Create and set up an orbit (cinematic) shot


An orbit shot is a type of cinematic shot that enables you to move around an object while moving up or down. Orbit shots use different camera motion path settings than other cinematic shots, and are based around the center of interest of a scene.

See Also: Move around in a scene for information on setting and using the center of interest.

Before you start

Create an orbit shot

  1. Follow the steps described in Create and set up a cinematic shot (one keyframe), and select Orbit from the Motion path box.
  2. Use the Horizontal direction controls to specify the direction (left or right) and the size (in degrees) of the orbit.
  3. Use the Vertical direction controls to specify the direction (up or down) and distance of the height change to occur during orbit.
  4. Deselect Lock camera tilt if you want the camera to point to your center of interest as the camera moves up or down.
  5. Select or deselect Save depth of field, bloom, and compensation values with this shot to choose whether or not these properties affect the playback of the shot.