Adjust the behavior for how the shot transitions in
- Use the Transition in controls to set the behavior for how the shot transitions in (that is, how it starts).
Choose from:
Adds a black screen transition before showing the shot. You can specify the transition time in seconds. The transition time
does not increase the length of the shot, and it cannot be longer than the shot.
If you export two consecutive shots with fade-ins to a movie (see Create a movie from shots or slides), the first slide will fade out before the second slide starts to fade in.
Animates the camera to pan/dolly/zoom from the previous position to the shot. You can specify the transition time in seconds.
The transition time in this case is added to the length of the shot. In other words, the total duration of the shot will be
the shot duration plus the transition time.
Moves the camera to the new shot without using any transition (black screen or animation).