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image.h File Reference

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class   half_
  Half precision (16 bit) float class. More...
class   uInt8Channel
  The data type for a 8 bit image channel. More...
class   uInt16Channel
  The data type for a 16 bit image channel. 0-65535 maps to 0.0 to 1.0. More...
class   float32Channel
class   float16Channel
  The data type for a 16 bit float image channel. More...
class   PixelType< ChanType, NumChans >
  A templated pixel type class, where the channel type and number of channels are arguments. More...
class   ImgTile
  Represents a rectangle. Used to specify rectangular regions of an image. More...
class   ImgTile_AoutB_Iter
  Iterates over a the region of tile A that is outside tile B. More...
class   ImgTileUnion
class   ImgPageIterator
  Iterates over a specified region of an image in optimal order. More...
class   ImgLockPageIterator
  Iterate over a specified region of an image in optimal order, and locking it in CPU memory. More...
class   PixelDescriptor
  Describe an image pixel; how to interpret a piece of pixel data. More...
class   ImageDescriptor
  Describe an image, specifically how to interpret pixel data. More...
class   Image
  This is the base image type defining the interface to images. More...
class   EnvironmentMap
class   ImageAccessorBase< ChannelType, nch >
  The ImageAccessorBase class gives you very fast access to pixels when the data type and channel count of an image are known at compile time (and this is very often the case.) More...
class   ImageAccessor< ChannelType, nch >
class   ImageAccessor< ChannelType, 3 >
class   ImageAccessor< ChannelType, 2 >
class   ImageAccessor< ChannelType, 1 >


namespace   mudbox

Class: ConvolutionKernel.


#define  ExponentBiasDelta   (127-15)
#define  MAX(a_, b_)   (((a_) > (b_)) ? (a_) : (b_))
#define  MIN(a_, b_)   (((a_) < (b_)) ? (a_) : (b_))
#define  cu_int   const unsigned int
  rapid random acessor for images
#define  u_int   unsigned int
#define  u_short   unsigned short
#define  u_char   unsigned char
#define  inline   __forceinline


typedef unsigned char  uInt8
typedef unsigned short  uInt16


MBDLL_DECL AttributeWidget *  CreateNewImageWidget (QWidget *pParent, int iWidth, AttributePointer< Image > *pImage)
static void  SnapOutTile (ImgTile &t)
  Snaps a tile out to 128 pixel aligned boundaries.

Define Documentation

#define ExponentBiasDelta   (127-15)

Definition at line 62 of file image.h.

#define MAX (   a_,
)    (((a_) > (b_)) ? (a_) : (b_))

Definition at line 888 of file image.h.

#define MIN (   a_,
)    (((a_) < (b_)) ? (a_) : (b_))

Definition at line 891 of file image.h.

#define cu_int   const unsigned int

rapid random acessor for images

Definition at line 2214 of file image.h.

#define u_int   unsigned int

Definition at line 2215 of file image.h.

#define u_short   unsigned short

Definition at line 2216 of file image.h.

#define u_char   unsigned char

Definition at line 2217 of file image.h.

#define inline   __forceinline

Definition at line 2219 of file image.h.