A story is a series of events. You can assemble scenes by combining and manipulating elements such as characters, lights, cameras, audio, and animation along a timeline.
The structure of MotionBuilder story functionality is:
Story functionality is exposed to the SDK in FBStory, FBStoryTrack, and FBStoryClip.
Data is contained in clips, which are in turn contained in tracks, and it is through FBStoryTrack that you manipulate these
To work with Story, use FBStoryTrack. E.g. in this Python snippet.
myTrack = FBStoryTrack(FBStoryTrackType.kFBStoryTrackCharacter, story.RootFolder)
Once created, you can add to the track with FBStoryTrack::AddClip and FBStoryTrack::CopyTakeIntoTrack. Further functionality is exposed through the many attributes of FBStoryTrack.