There are two workflows you can use when working with the MotionBuilder software and the 3ds Max software. The Autodesk interoperability workflow and the Autodesk generic workflow. Although some of the procedures in the last tutorial (Sending 3ds Max Scenes to MotionBuilder) use the Send To single-step interoperability workflow, you can opt to use the generic workflow. Refer to the MotionBuilder 2013 Help available at: for legacy workflow.
Use the Autodesk interoperability workflow when you are working on a project that includes interoperability with MotionBuilder and Maya or MotionBuilder and 3ds Max to streamline your process.
Use the generic workflow when you are using pre-2012 versions of Autodesk 3ds Max and Autodesk Maya, or when you are using another 3D software package with MotionBuilder. See Generic workflow.
Although these tutorials assume you are using MotionBuilder for a character animation project, the workflows can be easily adapted to any animation project where MotionBuilder is used in conjunction with other 3D modeling or rendering software.
MotionBuilder has the Single-step interoperability feature that enables you to send your model to Maya or 3ds Max via the File Send To Maya and File
Send To 3ds Max menu options.
3ds Max and Maya both have the Single-step interoperability feature that enables you to send your model to MotionBuilder via the File Send To MotionBuilder menu option.
To use the interoperability workflow with 3ds Max:
For example, see Create and send a 3ds Max biped to MotionBuilder.
For example, see Characterize the 3ds Max biped and Add a control rig to the characterized 3ds Max biped.
The first tutorial also shows you how to load character models into MotionBuilder and prepare them for animation. See Loading and Characterizing Character Models.
Control rigs are an animation tool that make it easy to control and position your character model.
The second tutorial shows you how to customize a Control rig and add character animation features such as floor contacts and Auxiliary pivots.
The third tutorial shows you how to augment your character with an extra limb, in this case a “Servo arm” with giant pincers attached to the character’s right shoulder.
See Creating a Loop.
See Manipulating Clips.
During animation projects, the Character model you use might change. Although not a required step for creating animation within MotionBuilder, instead of re-creating the animation on a new model, you can simply apply the same animation to the desired model(s).
The fifth tutorial shows you how to transfer animation and Character Extensions between character models.
The last tutorial Sending 3ds Max Scenes to MotionBuilder shows you the major steps for sending 3ds Max models to MotionBuilder, animating in MotionBuilder, and sending back animated models to 3ds Max.
If you are using another 3D software package, you can convert your file to FBX using the free FBX Converter that you can download from
When you export your work from a modeling software package, the FBX Plug-in enables you to save your character model in the .fbx file format. This format enables you to load your models in MotionBuilder, animate the models in MotionBuilder, and export them for rendering in the software of your choice using the appropriate FBX Plug-In.
You can download the latest FBX Plug-ins from:
Refer to the MotionBuilder 2013 Help available at: for legacy workflow.
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