Tutorials > 



This chapter includes a set of nine Autodesk MotionBuilder tutorials that demonstrate how to use the more powerful keyframe and character animation features.

ImportantThe tutorials were written using version 2014 of the Autodesk MotionBuilder and the Autodesk 3ds Max® software products. However the updates to reflect the changes to the software and workflows have not been finalized for this preview release with the exception of the updates to the interoperability tutorial Sending 3ds Max Scenes to MotionBuilder which you can consider final.
NoteSome of the procedures in the tutorial Sending 3ds Max Scenes to MotionBuilder use the Send To single-step interoperability workflow. For legacy workflow, refer to the MotionBuilder 2013 Help available at: http://www.autodesk.com/motionbuilder2013-documentation.
NoteThe tutorial assets can be found in the Asset Browser under the Tutorials folder and in the MotionBuilder Tutorials directory on your system.
Best PracticeEnsure you always use the latest update of the tutorials and tutorial assets to complete the tutorials. You can download the latest update from: http://www.autodesk.com/motionbuilder-tutorials. If you download the tutorial assets to a location other than the MotionBuilder default location, remember to add this location (add a favorite path) in the Asset browser so you can access the assets via the Asset browser.

Creative Commons License Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License