You can elect to either just save an .fbx file with the default save options or save an .fbx file by specifying the scene elements, animation, settings, and takes you want to save or exclude from the file to be saved.
You can save scene elements, animation, settings, and takes by choosing:
- Select File
Save from the menu bar to save your scene with the same name as the last .fbx file that was opened or saved.
- Select File
Save As to save the current scene using a new name.
- Select File
Save Selection to save only the selected objects and assets.
- Select Python Tools
FBX Export to save (export) .fbx files or selected elements created in MotionBuilder 2013 to version 2010 or 2011 of FBX file format.
NoteThe Python Tools

FBX Export to FBX version 2010 option does not support Animation Layers or features specific to
MotionBuilder such as Story data and devices. Also, FBX version 2010 is only compatible with version 2010 of Autodesk products through
FBX SDK version 2010.
NotePython Tools

FBX Export to FBX version 2011 is only compatible with Autodesk 2011 products through FBX SDK version 2010.FBX files exported
via Python Tools

FBX Export

FBX 2010 tool or the FBX Converter tool are FBX SDK files and not MotionBuilder files. This means that anything specific
to MotionBuilder will be discarded (story information, Devices, ect). Also, FBX file format version 2010 does not support
the MotionBuilder 2011 Animation layers.
Regardless of the saving method you choose, you have further save options that let you select the assets, settings, and takes
to save. You can also specify Saving options such as embedding media and saving a separate file per take.
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