Characterize the character model


The following procedure shows you how to characterize a model. The moment you characterize a character model, MotionBuilder reads the structure you have outlined in the Mapping list, taking the model’s current pose as the base for all future poses and movement.

To characterize the character model:

  1. In the Character Definition pane, activate the Characterize option (A).

    Character Definition pane A. Characterize option

  2. In the Character dialog box that appears, click Biped, since the Mia skeleton stands on two legs and makes contact with the floor using only the feet.

    Biped option in the Character dialog box

    Generic offsets are calculated so that the character is compatible with any source, the character is characterized, and MotionBuilder recognizes its structure.

    The nodes in the Mapping list are gray and cannot be edited.

    NoteIf you want to add more bones or edit the Mapping list later, you can temporarily disable the Characterize option when your character is in the T-stance.
  3. In the Scene browser, expand the Characters branch, right-click the Character asset, select Rename from the contextual menu, and name the character “Mia” (A).

    Scene browser A. Character asset named Mia

    Your character is now fully characterized and ready to be animated.


In this tutorial, you loaded a character model, mapped out its structure, and characterized it.

In the next tutorial, (Creating and Customizing a Control Rig), you create and customize a Control rig for your characterized character.