Characterization Tool menu button

Character >

Creates a new HIK character. By default, the new character is named Charactern, where n is a sequential number.
Lets you enter a new name for the HIK character.
Deletes the current HIK character.
Lock Character
Locks the current setup of the character, as it is mapped in the Figure view. The character definition must be locked before you can create a Control rig. (Unlocking the character definition deletes the Control rig.)

Control Rig >

Creates a Control rig for the current character, with IK and FK effectors based on the defined skeletal structure.
Deletes the Control rig of the current character.

Edit >

Mirror Matching

Enables mirror matching mode. When on, the Characterization Tool checks for a mirror match on the opposite side of the body for every bone that you map. For example, if you map a bone called L_upperLeg, the tool automatically checks the skeleton for an R_upperLeg bone, and automatically maps that bone if it exists.

By default, mirror matching mode supports the following pairs of subĀ­strings:

Left side Right side
Left Right
L (followed by a single space) R (followed by a single space)
L_ R_
_L _R

If you use a different substring in your bone naming conventions to indicate the left and right sides of the body, you can select Edit > Configure Mirror Matching to add your own strings.

Configure Mirror Matching
Opens the Configure Mirror Matching window, which lets you add new pairs of strings to the list that the Characterization Tool checks for mirror matching bone names. If you use a different substring in your bone naming conventions to indicate the left and right sides of the body, select this option to add your substrings. See Activate and configure mirror matching.
Map Bones
Lets you map bones by apply a naming template of your own. See Define an existing skeleton for HumanIK.
Extract Naming Template
Opens the Save Template window. See Save Template window.

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