
3ds Max provides a range of tools for aligning objects. This section includes a couple of brief introductory topics to alignment in 3ds Max; for specific information on the available alignment functions, see Align Flyout and Clone and Align Tool .

  • Aligning Objects

    You can align a selection consisting of one or more objects, called the source, with a target object. There are many uses for this feature. For precision, an important use is grid alignment. You can create a new grid object and align it to an existing object, either manually after creation or automatically during creation using the AutoGrid feature. Conversely, you can move an object onto a grid anywhere in your scene.

  • Aligning Normals

    3ds Max lets you align the normals between any two objects. In the case of mesh objects, the alignment is between individual faces, because each face has its own normal. See Normal Align.