


Specifies the different attributes supported on PPGItems. Many of these attributes only apply to a specific type of control, for example siUIColumnGap only applies to siControlIconList. Other attributes, such as siUINoLabel and siUICY, are supported on practically every control.

Some of the most common attributes are available more directly as properties of the PPGItem, for example PPGItem.UIItems is a convenient way to set the siUIItems attribute.

C# Syntax

StringModule.siUIAlignCenter                                                // AlignCenter
StringModule.siUIAlignLeft                                                  // AlignLeft
StringModule.siUIAlignRight                                                 // AlignRight
StringModule.siUIAudioFile                                                  // AudioFile
StringModule.siUIButtonDisable                                              // ButtonDisable
StringModule.siUICaption                                                    // caption
StringModule.siUIColumnCnt                                                  // nocol
StringModule.siUIColumnGap                                                  // colgap
StringModule.siUIContinue                                                   // Continue
StringModule.siUICX                                                         // CX
StringModule.siUICY                                                         // CY
StringModule.siUIDecimals                                                   // decimals
StringModule.siUIFCurveColorNonBijective                                    // ColorNonBijective
StringModule.siUIFCurveGhosting                                             // Ghosting
StringModule.siUIFCurveGridSpaceX                                           // GridSpaceX
StringModule.siUIFCurveGridSpaceY                                           // GridSpaceY
StringModule.siUIFCurveLabelX                                               // LabelX
StringModule.siUIFCurveLabelY                                               // LabelY
StringModule.siUIFCurveNoGrid                                               // NoGrid
StringModule.siUIFCurveNoRulerX                                             // NoRulerX
StringModule.siUIFCurveNoRulerY                                             // NoRulerY
StringModule.siUIFCurveShowTimeCursor                                       // ShowTimeCursor
StringModule.siUIFCurveSnapX                                                // SnapX
StringModule.siUIFCurveSnapY                                                // SnapY
StringModule.siUIFCurveViewMaxX                                             // ViewMaxX
StringModule.siUIFCurveViewMaxY                                             // ViewMaxY
StringModule.siUIFCurveViewMinX                                             // ViewMinX
StringModule.siUIFCurveViewMinY                                             // ViewMinY
StringModule.siUIFileFilter                                                 // FileFilter
StringModule.siUIFileMustExist                                              // MustExist
StringModule.siUIFilePath                                                   // path
StringModule.siUIGradientConDivot                                           // ConDivot
StringModule.siUIGradientMaxMarker                                          // MaxMarker
StringModule.siUIGradientMidPoint                                           // MidPoint
StringModule.siUIGradientType                                               // GradientType
StringModule.siUIGridColumnWidths                                           // ColumnWidths
StringModule.siUIGridHideColumnHeader                                       // HideColumnHeader
StringModule.siUIGridHideRowHeader                                          // HideRowHeader
StringModule.siUIGridLockColumnHeader                                       // LockColumnHeader
StringModule.siUIGridLockColumnWidth                                        // LockColumnWidth
StringModule.siUIGridLockRowHeader                                          // LockRowHeader
StringModule.siUIGridLockRowHeight                                          // LockRowHeight
StringModule.siUIGridReadOnlyColumns                                        // ReadOnlyColumns
StringModule.siUIGridSelectionMode                                          // SelectionMode
StringModule.siUIGridShowColumns                                            // ShowColumns
StringModule.siUIGridThumbnailSize                                          // ThumbnailSize
StringModule.siUIImageFile                                                  // ImageFile
StringModule.siUIInitialDir                                                 // InitialDir
StringModule.siUIItems                                                      // UIItems
StringModule.siUILabel                                                      // label
StringModule.siUILabelMinPixels                                             // LabelMinPixels
StringModule.siUILabelPercentage                                            // LabelPercentage
StringModule.siUILineCnt                                                    // noline
StringModule.siUILineGap                                                    // linegap
StringModule.siUILogarithmic                                                // log
StringModule.siUIMultiSelectionListBox                                      // MultiSelectionListBox
StringModule.siUINoLabel                                                    // NoLabel
StringModule.siUINoSlider                                                   // NoSlider
StringModule.siUIOpenFile                                                   // OpenFile
StringModule.siUISelectionColor                                             // selcolor
StringModule.siUIShowClip                                                   // showclip
StringModule.siUIShowFrame                                                  // ShowFrame
StringModule.siUIStyle                                                      // style
StringModule.siUISubFolder                                                  // SubFolder
StringModule.siUISyncSlider                                                 // SyncSlider
StringModule.siUIThumbWheel                                                 // ThumbWheel
StringModule.siUITreadmill                                                  // Treadmill
StringModule.siUIType                                                       // UIType
StringModule.siUIUseSelectionIcon                                           // useselicon
StringModule.siUIValueOnly                                                  // ValueOnly
StringModule.siUIWidthPercentage                                            // WidthPercentage
StringModule.siUILineNumbering                                              // LineNumbering
StringModule.siUIFolding                                                    // Folding
StringModule.siUIBackgroundColor                                            // Background
StringModule.siUIForegroundColor                                            // Foreground
StringModule.siUIFont                                                       // Font
StringModule.siUICommentColor                                               // CommentColor
StringModule.siUIPreprocessorColor                                          // PreprocessorColor
StringModule.siUIMarginWidth                                                // MarginWidth
StringModule.siUICommentFont                                                // CommentFont
StringModule.siUIFontSize                                                   // FontSize
StringModule.siUIKeywords                                                   // Keywords
StringModule.siUIHeight                                                     // Height
StringModule.siUIHorizontalScroll                                           // HorizontalScroll
StringModule.siUIVerticalScroll                                             // VerticalScroll
StringModule.siUILineWrap                                                   // LineWrap
StringModule.siUIKeywordFile                                                // KeywordFile
StringModule.siUIAutoComplete                                               // AutoComplete
StringModule.siUIToolbar                                                    // Toolbar
StringModule.siUICapability                                                 // Capability
StringModule.siUITabSize                                                    // TabSize
StringModule.siUIUseSpacesForTab                                            // UseSpacesForTab
StringModule.siUIShowIndentationGuides                                      // ShowIndentationGuides
StringModule.siUIShowWhitespace                                             // ShowWhitespace
Constant Value Description
siUIAlignCenter AlignCenter NOT SUPPORTED (as of v5.0). A boolean attribute that applies to most controls. (Default: false)

True to align control to the center of the property page.
siUIAlignLeft AlignLeft NOT SUPPORTED (as of v5.0). A boolean attribute that applies to most controls. (Default: true)

True to align control to the left side of the property page.
siUIAlignRight AlignRight NOT SUPPORTED (as of v5.0). A boolean attribute that applies to most controls. (Default: false)

True to align control to the right side of the property page.
siUIAudioFile AudioFile A boolean attribute that applies to the siControlFilePath control.

True to use all audio file formats as extensions for the name filters on the File Browser control.

Note: This is a convenience to save you hardcoding a long list of supported audio file extensions into the siUIFileFilter attribute.
siUIButtonDisable ButtonDisable A boolean attribute that applies to the siControlButton control.

True to disable the button (see PPGLayout.AddButton for an example).

Note: A special attribute is required because there is no Parameter associated with a button, and hence no way to call Parameter.Enable.
siUICaption caption NOT SUPPORTED. A string attribute that applies to the siControlFilePath control.

This attribute is normally for internal use only; however, it can be used to specify additional arguments for the siControlFilePath.
siUIColumnCnt nocol A LONG attribute that applies to the siControlIconList control.

Specifies the maximum number of icons that should appear on a single row for the Icon List type of control. For example, if there are 10 icons in the PPGItem.UIItems and this attribute is 5, then the icons will be displayed as two rows of five icons. By default, all icons appear on a single row.

Note: Usually you would use this attribute or siUILineCnt, but not both.
siUIColumnGap colgap A LONG attribute that applies to the siControlIconList control.

Specifies the width of the gap in pixels between icons in the Icon List control.
siUIContinue Continue A boolean attribute that applies to most controls. (Default: false)

True to keep the next control on the same row as this control, rather than starting a new line. This allows you to draw multiple controls in a row and hence make more compact layouts for complex objects. To place two groups of controls side by side this attribute is applied to the first group (see Wrapping Controls (Rows)).

This is the internal representation and can be used directly, but the methods PPGLayout.AddRow and PPGLayout.EndRow are available for convenience.
siUICX cx A LONG attribute that applies to most controls.

Width in pixels for the control. When left blank, the control automatically resizes itself.

To achieve precise placement of multiple controls that are on the same row, use this in conjunction with siUILabelMinPixels, siUILabelPercentage and siUIWidthPercentage.

Note: Often it is better to leave this undefined so that Softimage can use its own heuristic to resize the layout.
siUICY cy A LONG attribute that applies to most controls.

Height in pixels for the control. This is useful when creating a multiline edit box for a string (see PPGLayout.AddString).

Note: Often it is better to leave this undefined so that Softimage can use its own heuristic to resize the layout.
siUIDecimals decimals A LONG attribute that applies to the siControlNumber. (Default: 3)

Number of decimals of precision to show in the edit box. For example 0.123456 will show up as 0.1 if this attribute is set to 1.
siUIFCurveColorNonBijective ColorNonBijective A boolean attribute that applies to the siControlFCurve control.

True to color the FCurve orange if any Y value is shared by more than one point on the X axis on an FCurve control.
siUIFCurveGhosting Ghosting A boolean attribute that applies to the siControlFCurve control.

True to show the original curve ghosted behind the modified curve on an FCurve control.
siUIFCurveGridSpaceX GridSpaceX A double attribute that applies to the siControlFCurve control.

Specifies the spaces between the horizontal lines for the grid on the FCurve control.
siUIFCurveGridSpaceY GridSpaceY A double attribute that applies to the siControlFCurve control.

Specifies the spaces between the vertical lines for the grid on the FCurve control.
siUIFCurveLabelX LabelX A string attribute that applies to the siControlFCurve control.

Specifies a label for the X-axis on the siControlFCurve control.

Note: Use this attribute in conjunction with the siUIFCurveLabelY attribute for best results.
siUIFCurveLabelY LabelY A string attribute that applies to the siControlFCurve control.

Specifies a label for the Y-axis on the siControlFCurve control.

Note: This attribute is ignored unless the siUIFCurveLabelX attribute is also specified.
siUIFCurveNoGrid NoGrid A boolean attribute that applies to the siControlFCurve control.

True to hide the grid on the FCurve control.
siUIFCurveNoRulerX NoRulerX A boolean attribute that applies to the siControlFCurve control.

True to hide the ruler for the X-axis on the FCurve control.
siUIFCurveNoRulerY NoRulerY A boolean attribute that applies to the siControlFCurve control.

True to hide the ruler for the Y-axis on the FCurve control.
siUIFCurveShowTimeCursor ShowTimeCursor A boolean attribute that applies to the siControlFCurve control.

True to display the time cursor on an FCurve control.
siUIFCurveSnapX SnapX A double attribute that applies to the siControlFCurve control.

Specifies the spacing size to use for a snapping grid in the X-axis on an FCurve control. For example, if this attribute is set to 3.5 then users can only set keys at 0, 3.5, 7, 10.5 etc.
siUIFCurveSnapY SnapY A double attribute that applies to the siControlFCurve control.

Specifies the spacing size to use for a snapping grid in the Y-axis on an FCurve control. For example, if this attribute is set to 1.5 then users can only set keys at 0, 1.5, 3, 4.5 etc.
siUIFCurveViewMaxX ViewMaxX A double attribute that applies to the siControlFCurve.

Specifies the maximum value for the range on the X-axis on the FCurve control.For example, the range could be from -1 to 1 in the X axis and 0 to 100 in the Y axis.

Note: In order to set the range you need to specify a valid range in both axis. Otherwise the widget automatically sets the ranges such that it show all the keys of the fcurve.
siUIFCurveViewMaxY ViewMaxY A double attribute that applies to the siControlFCurve.

Specifies the maximum value for the range on the Y-axis on the FCurve control.For example, the range could be from -1 to 1 in the X axis and 0 to 100 in the Y axis.

Note: In order to set the range you need to specify a valid range in both axis. Otherwise the widget automatically sets the ranges such that it show all the keys of the fcurve.
siUIFCurveViewMinX ViewMinX A double attribute that applies to the siControlFCurve.

Specifies the minimum value for the range on the X-axis on the FCurve control. For example, the range could be from -1 to 1 in the X axis and 0 to 100 in the Y axis.

Note: In order to set the range you need to specify a valid range in both axis. Otherwise the widget automatically sets the ranges such that it show all the keys of the fcurve.
siUIFCurveViewMinY ViewMinY A double attribute that applies to the siControlFCurve.

Specifies the minimum value for the range on the Y-axis on the FCurve control.For example, the range could be from -1 to 1 in the X axis and 0 to 100 in the Y axis.

Note: In order to set the range you need to specify a valid range in both axis. Otherwise the widget automatically sets the ranges such that it show all the keys of the fcurve.
siUIFileFilter FileFilter A string attribute that applies to the siControlFilePath control.

Specifies the extensions to use as name filters on the File Browser control.

For a shortcut to all audio file formats, set the siUIAudioFile attribute to true.

For a shortcut to all image file formats, set the siUIImageFile attribute to true.

Note: The syntax of this string is same as the standard Win32 syntax; see documentation for OPENFILENAME structure, (lpstrFilter member). There is one difference: when there are multiple file extensions for a single item, separate them with the colon character (:) instead of a semi-colon (;). For example:

"Text files (*.txt *.text)|*.txt:*.text|All Files (*.*)|*.*||"
siUIFileMustExist MustExist A boolean attribute that applies to siControlFilePath control.

True to force the user to pick an existing file to load. Normally this is used for the case of picking an existing file to load.

Note: Used in conjunction with siUIOpenFile.
siUIFilePath path A string attribute that applies to the siControlBitmap

Specifies the filename of the bitmap to use for the Bitmap widget.

Note: The path is absolute (or, where applicable, relative to the SPDL file).
siUIGradientConDivot ConDivot A boolean attribute that applies to the siControlGradient control.

True by default. False to hide the connection divot.
siUIGradientMaxMarker MaxMarker An integer attribute that applies to the siControlGradient control.

Controls the maximal number of markers the gradient control can handle.
siUIGradientMidPoint MidPoint A boolean attribute that applies to the siControlGradient control.

True if gradient parameters supports mid points. False if not.
siUIGradientType GradientType A string attribute that applies to the siControlGradient control.

Specifies the gradient type with one of the following values: "RGBA", "RGBA", "RGB+A" and "Alpha".
siUIGridColumnWidths ColumnWidths An integer (or a colon-delimited array of integers) attribute that applies to the siControlGrid control.

Specifies column width in pixels for the GridWidget in one of two ways:

(1) A single integer representing the total width for all columns (of equal widths).

(2) An array of integers separated by a colon (:), each of which represents the width of a specific column in the grid from left to right. The first element specifies the width of the row label column, followed by the normal data columns. For example, "100:50:50" specifies that the row labels have 100 pixels and the first and second column has 50 pixels. (This is true even if the row label column has been hidden with the siUIGridHideRowHeader attribute).

Note: If not specified the GridWidget resizes its columns to fit the initial data.
siUIGridHideColumnHeader HideColumnHeader A boolean attribute that applies to the siControlGrid control.

True to suppress the column labels from appearing on the GridWidget (see GridData.SetColumnLabel).
siUIGridHideRowHeader HideRowHeader A boolean attribute that applies to the siControlGrid control.

True to suppress the row labels from appearing on the GridWidget (see GridData.SetRowLabel).
siUIGridLockColumnHeader LockColumnHeader A boolean attribute that applies to the siControlGrid control.

True to freeze the column labels of the GridWidget in place even when you scroll off to the right.
siUIGridLockColumnWidth LockColumnWidth An boolean attribute that applies to the siControlGrid control.

True to prevent users from being able to adjust the column width.
siUIGridLockRowHeader LockRowHeader A boolean attribute that applies to the siControlGrid control.

True to freeze the row labels of the GridWidget in place even when you scroll off to the bottom.

Note: This attribute only takes effect when the siUICY attribute has been set to something smaller than the natural height of the GridWidget.
siUIGridLockRowHeight LockRowHeight An boolean attribute that applies to the siControlGrid control.

True to prevent users from being able to adjust the row height.
siUIGridReadOnlyColumns ReadOnlyColumns An integer (or a colon-delimited array of integers) attribute that applies to the siControlGrid control.

Specifies which columns are read-only and which are editable. Cells in a read-only column cannot be edited through the UI; however, they can still be changed via scripting. This attribute can be specified in one of two ways:

(1) The single value "1" to make all columns read-only.

(2) An array of values separated by a colon (:), each of which represents whether that column is read-only ("1") or edtable ("0"). For example "0:1:0:1" means that second and fourth columns are read-only.

Note: Unlike the siUIGridColumnWidths attribute, the first element in this string refers to the first data column, not the row label column (which is always read-only).
siUIGridSelectionMode SelectionMode An siGridSelectionMode attribute that applies to the siControlGrid control.

Set this attribute to a value from the siGridSelectionMode enum to change the cell selection behavior of the GridWidget.
siUIGridShowColumns ShowColumns An integer (or a colon-delimited array of integers) attribute that applies to the siControlGrid control.

Specifies which columns are shown and which are hidden in one of two ways:

(1) The single value "1" to show all columns.

(2) An array of values separated by a colon (:), each of which represents whether to display that column ("1") or not ("0"). For example "1:1:1:0" means that fourth columns is hidden and the first three are shown.

Note: Unlike the siUIGridColumnWidths attribute, the first element in this string refers to the first data column, not the row label column (which is shown or hidden with the siUIGridHideRowHeader attribute).
siUIGridThumbnailSize ThumbnailSize An integer attribute that applies to the siControlGrid control.

Specifies the default thumbnail size in the GridControl.
siUIImageFile ImageFile A boolean attribute that applies to the siControlFilePath control.

True to use all image file formats as extensions for the name filters on the File Browser control.

Note: This is a convenience to save you hardcoding a long list of supported image file extensions into the siUIFileFilter attribute.
siUIInitialDir InitialDir A string attribute that applies to the siControlFilePath and siControlFolder

This specifies a default directory to start browsing if the string parameter is empty. This can be an absolute path or the following special values: "workgroup", "factory", "user" or "project".
siUIItems uiitems A variant array attribute that applies to drop-down list (enumerator) controls such as siControlCombo, siControlCheck, siControlRadio, siControlListBox and siControlIconList.

Specifies the label/value pairs for the enumerator controls (see PPGItem.UIItems).
siUILabel label A string attribute that applies to most controls.

Specifies the label for the control. By default this is set to the SIObject.Name or Parameter.ScriptName value (see PPGItem.Label).

Note: Labels are mandatory for Tab controls but optional for Group and Command Button controls.
siUILabelMinPixels LabelMinPixels A LONG attribute that applies to most controls.

Specifies the minimum width, in pixels, to use when drawing a label. A label gets split into multiple lines when there is not enough space on a single line (see PPGItem.LabelMinPixels).

Note: Use in conjunction with siUILabelPercentage.
siUILabelPercentage LabelPercentage A LONG attribute that applies to most controls.

Specifies the width of the label of a control, in terms of its percentage of the control's total width. Use in conjunction with siUILabelMinPixels (see PPGItem.LabelPercentage).
siUILineCnt noline A LONG attribute that applies to the siControlIconList control.

Specifies the number of rows to use for the Icon List control. This is the alternative to using siUIColumnCnt.
siUILineGap linegap A LONG attribute that applies to the siControlIconList control.

Specifies the height of the gap in pixels between icons appearing on different rows in the Icon List control. Only comes into play if the icons are displayed on multiple lines.
siUILogarithmic log A boolean attribute that applies to the siControlNumber. (Default: false)

True to use logarithmic scaling for the slider.
siUIMultiSelectionListBox MultiSelectionListBox A boolean attribute that applies to siControlListBox controls which are bound to string parameters (otherwise this attribute is ignored).

True to support multiple selection for this list box control. For multiple-selection list box controls, the value of the Parameter (the items selected) is returned as a semicolon-separated string. For an example demonstrating how to use this attribute, see PPGItem.UIItems.
siUINoLabel NoLabel A boolean attribute that applies to most controls (Default: false)

True to suppress the text label. If this is an animatable parameter then the animation divot will still be drawn to the left of the control.
siUINoSlider noslider A boolean attribute that applies to the siControlNumber. (Default: false)

True to suppress the slider control (and display only the numeric edit box). This is useful if there is not a lot of space to fit many controls.
siUIOpenFile OpenFile A boolean attribute that applies to the siControlFilePath control.

True to turn off the warning that a file exists for the File Browser control. Normally this is used for the case of picking an existing file to load.

Note: Used in conjunction with siUIFileMustExist.
siUISelectionColor selcolor A LONG attribute that applies to the siControlIconList control.

Specifies an RGBA color value for the highlighting around the selected icon in an Icon List control. The color is represented by considering the least significant byte as the R value, the next byte as the G, etc. For example, 0xFFFF is Yellow.

Note: If the siUIUseSelectionIcon has been enable this attribute is ignored.
siUIShowClip showclip A boolean attribute that applies to the siControlImageClip control.

Set to True to show the thumbnail of the Image Clip control. The control toolbar is always displayed, regardless of this attribute value.
siUIShowFrame ShowFrame A boolean attribute that applies to Groups. (Default: false)

This attribute only applies when there is no label for the group, and is used to determine whether there should be a box drawn around the controls of the group. See PPGLayout.AddGroup and Grouping Controls.
siUIStyle style A LONG attribute that applies to many controls, including the multi-line edit and siControlListBox controls.

Specifies advanced window style options such as scroll bars and support for multiple lines. For advanced use only.

The values are based on the flags defined in the Windows Header file winuser.h (long). For example, using the value for ES_PASSWORD (0x0020, or 32), displays the text the user types as asterisks; while using the value for ES_UPPERCASE (0x0008, or 8) converts the text to uppercase.

Note: You can also combine these flags for multiple effects. For example, you can 9 as the value for the siUIStyle attribute to create a text box with centered and uppercase text (because ES_CENTER=1 and ES_UPPERCASE=8).
siUISubFolder SubFolder A string attribute that applies to the siControlFilePath and siControlFolder controls.

A subfolder relative to the value specified for siUIInitialDir. For example, if the initial directory is "project" and the subfolder is "scenes/myscenes" then the browser opens in the scenes/myscenes directory inside the current project. This attribute is ignored if siUIInitialDir is not specified.
siUISyncSlider SyncSlider A boolean attribute that applies to siControlNumber. (Default: true)

True to force an update of the parameter value in Softimage when the slider is moved.
siUIThumbWheel ThumbWheel A boolean attribute that applies to the siControlNumber. (Default: false)

True to reduce the slider to a small portion of the screen (like a thumbwheel). This is useful when many parameters need to be displayed in a small amount of space.
siUITreadmill Treadmill A boolean attribute that applies to the siControlNumber. (Default: false)

True to display a control similar in size to the Thumb Wheel which can be dragged left/right to decrement/increment the value. This control is useful when many parameters need to be displayed in a small amount of space.
siUIType uitype An siPPGControlType attribute that applies to all controls.

Specifies the type of control for this property page item (see PPGItem.Type).
siUIUseSelectionIcon useselicon A boolean attribute that applies to siControlIconList. (Default: false)

True to use an alternate bitmap for selected icons in the Icon List control. For example, rather than drawing a box around a button the selected icon might show the button in a compressed position.

Note: Filenames of the alternate bitmaps must use the same name but appended with "_sel" before the extension.
siUIValueOnly ValueOnly A boolean attribute that applies to most controls (Default: false)

True to suppress the text label and animation divot.
siUIWidthPercentage WidthPercentage A LONG attribute that applies to most controls.

Specifies the percentage of the row that this control should use relative to the other members of the row (see PPGItem.WidthPercentage).
siUILineNumbering LineNumbering A boolean attribute that applies to the siControlTextEditor.

True to display line numbers on the left edge of the text editor.
siUIFolding Folding A boolean attribute that applies to the siControlTextEditor.

True to enable folding of comments, functions and namespaces in the text editor control. Folding makes code more readable and navigable because it allows users to expand or collapse blocks of related text (multi-line comments, entire functions, etc.) by clicking a plus or minus control. Most IDE tools such as Visual Studio .NET 2005 offer folding as a usability feature.
siUIBackgroundColor Background A hexadecimal attribute that applies to the siControlTextEditor.

Sets the background color of the text editor control.
siUIForegroundColor Foreground A hexadecimal attribute that applies to the siControlTextEditor.

Sets the text color of the text editor control.
siUIFont Font A string attribute that applies to the siControlTextEditor.

Sets the font used by the text editor control.
siUICommentColor CommentColor A hexadecimal attribute that applies to the siControlTextEditor.

Sets the color of commented text in the text editor control.
siUIPreprocessorColor PreprocessorColor A hexadecimal attribute that applies to the siControlTextEditor.

Sets the color of preprocessor commands in the text editor control.
siUIMarginWidth MarginWidth A numeric attribute that applies to the siControlTextEditor.

Sets the width (in characters) of the margin in the text editor control.
siUICommentFont CommentFont A string attribute that applies to the siControlTextEditor.

Sets the font used by comments in the text editor control.
siUIFontSize FontSize A numeric attribute that applies to the siControlTextEditor.

Sets the size of the font used by the text editor control.
siUIKeywords Keywords A string attribute that applies to the siControlTextEditor. This is similar to the siUIKeywordFile attribute, but more suited to small lists.

Specifies a space-delimited list of keywords that are to be highlighted in the text editor control. These values are also available for auto-completion (see the siUIAutoComplete attribute).
siUIHeight Height A numeric attribute that applies to the siControlTextEditor.

Specifies the height in pixels of the text editor control.
siUIHorizontalScroll HorizontalScroll A boolean attribute that applies to the siControlTextEditor.

True to display a horizontal scrollbar in the text editor.
siUIVerticalScroll VerticalScroll A boolean attribute that applies to the siControlTextEditor.

True to display a vertical scrollbar in the text editor.
siUILineWrap LineWrap A boolean attribute that applies to the siControlTextEditor.

True to enable line wrapping in the text editor.
siUIKeywordFile KeywordFile A string attribute that applies to the siControlTextEditor. This is similar to the siUIKeywords attribute, but more suited to large lists.

Specifies the location of a file that contains a space-delimited list of keywords to be highlighted in the text editor control. These values are also available for auto-completion (see the siUIAutoComplete attribute).
siUIAutoComplete AutoComplete An siAutoCompleteMode attribute that applies to the siControlTextEditor.

Specifies the behavior of the auto complete feature in the text editor control. By default, only keywords are highlighted. See siAutoCompleteMode for a list of values you can specify. Use either the siUIKeywords attribute or the siUIKeywordFile attribute to specify which keywords can be autocompleted.
siUIToolbar Toolbar A boolean attribute that applies to the siControlTextEditor.

True to display the File and Edit menus in a toolbar at the top of the text editor. You can limit which File menu options are enabled with the siUICapability attribute.
siUICapability Capability An siTextEditorCapability attribute that applies to the siControlTextEditor.

Specifies the capabilities of some of the File menu functionality for the text editor control.

Note: The File and Edit menus do not appear by default, but you can use the siUIToolbar attribute to display them.
siUITabSize TabSize A numeric attribute that applies to the siControlTextEditor.

Specifies the size of the tabs in the text editor control.
siUIUseSpacesForTab UseSpacesForTab A boolean attribute that applies to the siControlTextEditor.

True to insert spaces characters instead of a tab character when pressing the tab key.
siUIShowIndentationGuides ShowIndentationGuides A boolean attribute that applies to the siControlTextEditor.

True to display indentation guides appearing as dotted vertical lines within indentation white space every tab size columns.
siUIShowWhitespace ShowWhitespace A boolean attribute that applies to the siControlTextEditor.

True to display whitespace characters (spaces and tabs) in the text editor control. Space characters appear as small centered dots and tab characters as light arrows pointing to the right.

Applies To

PPGItem.GetAttribute PPGItem.SetAttribute PPGItem::GetAttribute PPGItem::PutAttribute

See Also

siPPGControlType siAutoCompleteMode siTextEditorCapability Setting Control Attributes