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Chapter 13, Pixel Expressions
PXL Tool

The PXL tool provides the ability to write a C-like program to control the creation of its output image. The program executed by the PXL tool is written in a new language called PXL, the Pixel eXpression Language (pronounced "pixel"). The PXL language offers a rich set of features like conditionals, looping, and numerous built-in functions. The PXL tool offers users the ability to create new effects by writing a PXL language program. The PXL tool can be used to implement any point or gather operator, as it can read any pixel in its input images.

The PXL tool's primary use cases are two-fold. One use case is for quick creation of a short, non-reusable PXL program, for simple image generation or transformation. Another will be to write longer scripts to create customized effects that are not supplied by Toxik, which will be shared by many users. Examples might include:

PXL Tool Inputs and Outputs Top

The PXL tool has a single image output. It has a single, fixed primary input (which can be unconnected, when used as an image generator). Further image inputs can be added to the tool, which allows for an arbitrary number of secondary image inputs to the tool. These secondary inputs can also be removed from the tool. Because it supports masking, the PXL tool also has a standard masking image input.

The PXL tool allows the user to create an arbitrary number of animated scalar float inputs, to be used as parameters to the PXL script. Because of UI space restrictions, only the first ten scalar parameters will be shown in the UI; however, all parameters can be seen in the composition browser. These parameters are passed as arguments to the main() function of the PXL script.

PXL Tool UI Top

The PXL tool UI has 3 tabs: the main UI tab, the Output tab, and the Masking tab. The main tab supports two main modes, Develop mode and User mode.

User mode is meant to address the needs of users of the PXL script, who are interested in changing the parameters to the script, but not necessarily the script itself. Develop mode also has parameter controls as in User mode, but has a UI to edit the script using the Toxik internal editor, or read the script directly from a file (to support a developer who wishes to edit the script using an external editor), and view script compilation errors.

The PXL User mode UI is shown below. It shows a PXL tool where two parameters have been added, here named Gain and Rotation. The Develop functionality is muted, so its UI is not shown. The Reset button under the parameters is used to reset only the parameters, not the whole tool, which is done with the Reset button in the General Tool UI.

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PXL tool User mode UI

One of the UI layouts of the PXL Develop mode is shown below. In Develop mode, Develop is un-muted, so that developer functionality is exposed in the UI.

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The area on the left displays the same parameters that are shown in User mode, as well as two buttons to add and delete parameters. Parameters cannot be edited, only added and removed.

Clicking the Add button pops up a modal dialog where the user types in the name of the parameter, its minimum, maximum, and default values, as well as the minimum increment to be used when changing the value in the UI. This modal dialog offers a Cancel button.

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Clicking the Delete button pops up a menu where you select the parameter to be removed.

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The Develop controls are to the right of the Parameter controls. The File and Edit radio buttons control whether the PXL script source is read from an external file, or from the Toxik internal editor.

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Develop UI in Edit mode using internal editor

The above graphic shows Edit mode, where the PXL script developer is editing the script inside the Toxik internal editor (titled Script), which is displayed to the right of the develop controls.

Select: To:
Apply compile the edited script and, if successful, applies it as the new image processing script.
Import display a modal dialog to read an external file into the Toxik internal editor. The contents of the external file replace the contents of the Toxik internal editor.
Export to display a modal dialog to write the contents of the Toxik internal editor to an external file.
Revert to replace the contents of the Toxik internal editor with the currently-applied script, thereby reverting the edited script back to what it was when previously applied.

The script status and the applied script display share the right portion of the PXL UI. Push toggle buttons on the top of that column control which text viewer is shown. Both text views are read-only views. The status text viewer shows compilation errors from the latest applied script, if any. If there are no errors, the display shows a success message. The applied script viewer shows the currently-applied script. This can be useful as a reference, when the PXL script is actively undergoing editing, and you want to know what the currently-applied script is.

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PXL script read from external file with status message

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PXL script read from external file with applied script

While in Develop mode and the PXL script is being read from an external file, you will edit the PXL file with an editor external to Toxik, then save the file to disk. You will then click on the Apply button to have Toxik read the script from the file and apply it. In this mode, the Import, Export, and Revert buttons of the Develop controls are not relevant, as they pertain to the Toxik internal editor, and are therefore not shown.

Output Tab Top

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Because the PXL tool can be an image generation tool, it requires an Output tab to define the output properties. To define output properties, it uses the same tab as found in Toxik image generators. If the primary input is connected, all options in this tab will be greyed-out and disabled, as is the case with the Slate tool--see Slate Tool.

Masking Tab Top

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The PXL tool has the same masking capability that is available on other image modifier tools, in the standard Masking tab--see Creating Masks.

Sharing PXL Tools Top

An important use case of the PXL tool is that even if you are not an experienced PXL script writer you can still use the PXL tool to quickly write a simple expression to create a basic effect. Use cases might be multiplying one of the pixel channels by a constant, or multiplying two input images together, or a simple conditional test to reveal out of gamut pixels as a false-color image. Typically, these PXL tools will not be reused.

Another important use case is where a PXL script will be written by an experienced developer, and distributed to others to be used in User mode. In such a case, an easy means of distribution is important. Distributing the PXL script alone is insufficient, as parameter names and min, max, default values will not be available. Tool presets allow users to name, save persistently, and distribute presets for any given Toxik tool. This is exactly the functionality required for you to develop custom tools written with the PXL tool. You can write your own color corrector, keyer, or any other effect using a PXL script. You can then package it as a PXL tool preset.

You can load and save PXL tool presets using the Preset controls in the Tools Options area located at the far right of the tool UI--see Tool Presets.

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PXL Presets Top

There are several PXL tool presets installed with Toxik and they are described below:

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Original Blurred

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Original Blurred

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Original Embossed

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Original Eroded Alpha with a 10 pixel radius

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Original Gamma correction applied

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Original Lens flare applied

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NumColors = 6, Dither = 0 NumColors = 2, Dither = 1

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Original image Polygon Blur applied

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Original image Ripple Twirl applied

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Original image Sharpened

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Original image Spherical mapping applied

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Red/Blue glasses Cross-eyed viewing

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PXL, the Pixel eXpression Language Top

The following section outlines the traits inherent to the PXL language.

Example Script and Procedure

The following example PXL script and procedure multiplies the input pixel R, G, and B components by 3.

To multiply the input pixel R, G, and B components by 3:
  1. Add a PXL tool to the dependency graph.

  2. Click the Edit button and type the script into the script editor.

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    The pixels in the image are multiplied by a factor of 3.

Image Processing Algorithm Categories

There are three types of image processing operators: the point operator, the gather operator, and the scatter operator. They are based on a workflow in which there are one or more input images and a single output image:

Note: The PXL tool can perform point and gather operations, but not scatter operations.

Fundamental Types

PXL supports a specific set of fundamental types. It is case sensitive. Like C, all the variables must be declared before they can be used in an expression statement, unless the variable is a built-in variable, or a function argument. Unlike the C++ language, it is not possible to define new types with objects or structures. Here is the list of supported fundamental types:

The color and vec4 types are aliases of one another, and are provided for convenience and readability. Otherwise, they are syntactically identical for PXL, and can be used interchangeably. Any reference in the documentation to type color can be understood as vec4, and vice versa.

Note: PXL does not support vectors, arrays, or matrices.

The color / vec4 type is a quadruplet of floating point values for R, G, B, and A (or equivalently, X, Y, Z and W). These values are unclamped (even for A), which fully supports high dynamic range scene-referred color manipulation. No explicit type casting or type conversion is supported. However, many mixed-type assignment operators and functions are provided.

If a variable of image type is used where type rules would require a color type, the language automatically calls the built-in single-argument sample (image) function. This is provided as a convenience.

As PXL has no Boolean type, the float type is used to represent Boolean values. Any value that is different from 0.0. PXL Boolean operators return 1.0 as a true value.


A variable can be defined as const. In this case, the variable cannot be modified after his initialization. An error will be issued if a const variable is modified after initialization.

As previously described, function arguments can be qualified as input or output. These are currently only used by the PXL tool to pass in data to the main() function and read out the output pixel value. The initial value of an output argument is undefined.


Comments use the same syntax as C. Two consecutive slashes ("// Comment") are used for starting a single line comment. The slash-star ("/*") is the beginning token for multi-line comment, while the star-slash ("*/") is used to stop the multi-line comment.

Control Statement

PXL supports the "if" statement, the "while" statement and the "for" statement. They also use the same syntax as in the C language. The only exceptions are that PXL has no break or continue statements to affect looping.

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PXL supports the following operators, which are a subset of those found in C. Of note are the lack of bitwise manipulation operators, as well as the lack of a modulo operator, however the modulo is available through the built-in mod() function--see Built-in Functions.

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Note: Operations on color / vec4 are done on a per-channel basis.

Variable Declarations

The naming of variables uses the same rules as C. A variable name must begin with an alphabetical character, followed by none or many alphanumeric characters or underscore character. It must not contain any white spaces.

All variables are initialized by Toxik upon declaration, depending on type:

Numeric Constants

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Built-in Variables

PXL has built-in variables to ease script writing. These variables are "x", "y", and "t". The first two are the floating-point normalized image reference frame (x, y) coordinates of the pixel being computed--see Calculating Image Size in Toxik. "t" is the floating-point current time, in seconds. All built-in variables are declared constant by the system, so they cannot be assigned to. PXL exposes the IRF coordinates of each pixel in its x and y built-in variables. This means that in PXL horizontally adjacent pixels will have a value of the x built-in variable that differs by 0.9 for an NTSC image.Thus, an NTSC image (with 720x486 pixels) is actually 648x486 IRF units (720 * 0.9 = 648), which represents a 4:3 image aspect ratio (648/486 = 4/3), as expected.

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Built-in Functions

PXL provides a number of built-in functions. Functions can return any of the PXL fundamental types, or can return void. Built-in function argument overloading is supported by the sample() function to provide two implementations, one with a single argument, the other with 3 arguments.

Note: In the following table, all references to type color also refer to vec4, and vice versa.

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Interface with Toxik Executable

The Toxik executable interfaces with the PXL script in the following way:

If no function header is present for main(), Toxik will create one automatically. It will include all defined image inputs, and all defined parameter inputs.

No warning is given if main() function arguments are not referenced by the function. However, a reference to a non-existent parameter or input image is an error.

All images read by the PXL script are read at the current time t. There is no way to read images at a time different from t within a PXL script. To do so, a user must use external Toxik Retimer or Time Offset tools before inputting images to the PXL tool.

All parameters read by the PXL script are read at the current time t. There is no way to read parameters at a time different from t within a PXL script in this version of Toxik.

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