Offsetting a Surface

By default, a surface's axis is at the centre of the surface. Use the Off X and Off Y fields to offset a surface along the X-axis or Y-axis. All rotations, scaling, and shearing applied to a surface are applied about its axis. The location of the axis is indicated by the axis icon in the scene. See Accessing the Axis Menu.

To offset a surface:

  1. Select the surface you want to offset.
  2. In the Surface Param1 menu, change the Off X and Off Y fields accordingly.

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    (a) Surface Offset fields  

    The following figure illustrates the difference between rotating a surface that has not been offset and a surface offset using the Off X field.

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    Rotated image with no offset. Notice that the axis is in the centre of the image.

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    Rotated image with an offset along the X-axis. Notice that the axis is offset from the image centre.