Accessing the Axis Menu

You use the Axis menu to position, rotate, scale, and shear an axis. The Object menu provides tabs so that you can see or modify the parameters of the selected axis. For information about selecting objects and navigating the schematic, see Selecting Objects and Populating Menu Tabs.

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The Axis controls are described as follows.

Position X, Y, and Z fieldsTranslate the selected axis.

Rotation X, Y, and Z fieldsRotate the selected axis.

Scaling X, Y, and Z fieldsChange the size of the axis.

Prop Scale buttonScales the X, Y, and Z axes proportionally.

Shear X, Y, and Z fieldsShear the axis.

Centre X, Y, and Z fieldsOffset an axis relative to its children.

Path buttonAnimates the position of the axis using a spline drawn in the scene.

Disable Path to animate the position of the axis using explicit animation. See Creating a Motion Path.

Stabilizer and tracking controlsApply stabilizing data to an axis. See Applying Tracking Data to an Axis.

MBlur buttonApplies motion blur to the selected axis. See Applying Motion Blur.

Free buttonIgnores transformations from parent axes.

Plane boxChanges the orientation of the plane (in Camera view). See Changing the Plane.