Deleting Objects

You can use various methods to remove objects from the schematic.

To delete an object using the Edit Mode box:

  1. From the Edit Mode box, select Delete.
  2. Click the object that you want to delete.

    The object is removed from the scene.

    TipPress Shift before clicking the object to recreate the links to any parents or children linked to the deleted object.

To delete objects using the Delete button:

  1. From the Selection box, select an option.

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    Select: To:
    Selected Delete the currently selected object. For example, this option deletes a surface without deleting its parent axis, or an axis without deleting its surface.
    Branch Delete the selected object and all its children. To avoid deleting nodes by mistake, use the Schematic view to determine which nodes you are deleting.
    All Delete all objects in the scene, except the default camera.
  2. Click Delete.

To delete objects by dragging items out of the schematic:

  1. Drag an object to the bottom of the screen. The cursor changes to a green recycling icon. The object is selected for deletion and you are asked to confirm. Click Confirm or press Enter.
    TipPress Shift before dragging the object to recreate the links to any parents or children linked to the deleted node.