Outputting Clips with a Logo Overlay

You can add a logo overlay on output, in real time. This feature is available only if your workstation is equipped with an NVIDIA Quadro FX 5600 SDI graphics card. The configuration for using this card is described in the following documents:

To add a logo, make sure the FX 5600 SDI card is selected in the Output Clip engineering menu. If AJA_OEM2K is selected, you cannot use the Logo Overlay feature.

To select the FX 5600 SDI card in the Output Clip menu:

  1. Open the Output Clip menu.
  2. From the Graphics Card box, select GFX SDI.

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If you do not see GFX SDI as an available option in the Graphics Card box, it is either not installed, or it is not set up or configured properly. See one of the hardware guides previously cited.