Clip Input or Output Hot Keys

Use the following hot keys in the clip I/O menus and while playing the VTR.

  Press: To:
  Ctrl-click Process button Output with VTR in Assemble mode (for output clip only)
  Ctrl+\ Assemble on output
  F9 Open Input Clip menu from EditDesk or a clip library
  Ctrl+F9 Open Input Clip menu with In, Out, and Duration values of selected clip
  Shift+F9 Open Output Clip menu from EditDesk or a clip library
  V Play
  C Reverse play
  Shift+C Rewind
  Shift+V Fast Forward
  Shift+ \ Preview on output
  \ Process (start inputting or outputting material)
  spacebar Stop
  left arrow Shuttle 1 frame backwards
  right arrow Shuttle 1 frame forwards
  up arrow Shuttle forward 10 frames
  down arrow Shuttle backward 10 frames
  Mark In Set in timecode when inputting or outputting clips
  Mark Out Set out timecode when inputting or outputting clips
  A Cue VTR to in timecode (to view frame)
  S Cue VTR to out timecode (to view frame)
  9 Open on-screen keyboard to change clip name
  Ctrl+9 Open on-screen keyboard to change reel name
  ; Log for batch capture
  - Go to EDL
  Shift+View Mode Enable letterbox format on output
  Shift+Pause Enable the Letterbox button in the Output Clip menu