Clip Library Hot Keys

Use the following hot keys in clip libraries.

  Press: To:
  - Open Import EDL menu
  Shift+ - Open Export EDL menu
  F9 Open Input Clip menu
  Shift+F9 Open Output Clip menu
  Ctrl-click, front & matte Export selected layers as an RGBA file
  Home Go to top of library
  End Go to bottom of library
  PgUp Go up 1 page
  PgDn Go down 1 page
  up arrow Scroll up by 1 line
  down arrow Scroll down by 1 line
  9 Name or rename selection under cursor
  M Name or rename cursor selection
  T Switch view to Titles mode
  P Switch view to Proxies mode
  L Switch view to List View mode
  Alt-over clip Display additional clip information in message bar
  Ctrl+I Change amount of information displayed on proxies
  A Select all entries
  U Deselect all entries
  E Expand selected entries
  Shift+E Collapse selected entries
  Shift-click Select all clips within a range, or add range to current selection
  Ctrl-click Add to multiple selection
  N Create a new reel
  F-drag Copy or Move an entry (depending on status of Copy on Drag/Move on Drag button)
  D+Enter Remove (delete) selected entries
  0 Load selected entries to EditDesk
  Ctrl+0 Load and join selected entries
  V Play a proxy forwards
NoteCursor must be over proxy.
  C Play a proxy backwards
NoteCursor must be over proxy.
  Ctrl+L Refresh Network library. In clip libraries, refresh proxies (use if proxies get corrupted).
  Ctrl+S Change proxy size
  Shift+A Go to in point of selected clip
  Shift+S Go to out point of selected clip