Clip History Hot Keys

Use the following hot keys when working in the clip history.

  Press: To:
  Ctrl+ f5 Switch to History view and display clip history of the selected clip or element (except in Text soft effect)
  Ctrl+Shift+F5 Switch to Large History view and display clip history of the selected clip or element
  F5 Switch to History view and display clip history of the selected clip or element in Text soft effect
  Ctrl-Swipe bar below Record Area Switch between History and Large History view
  Shift+Ctrl-click Switch between straight and Hermite lines
  = Reset to clip history home
  Home Show entire clip history
  Shift-drag Zoom in schematic view
  spacebar Pan in schematic view
  / Create a copy of the selected intermediate in the Source Area (the copy contains the clip history of the intermediate)
  Tilde Save and process changes you make in a module to a clip with clip history
  Ctrl+Tilde Exit a module without saving changes or processing the clip with clip history