Deleting Intermediary Grades

You can delete intermediary grades one at a time, or delete all grades from the Grade bin simultaneously. When you delete an intermediary grade, the thumbnail is also deleted.

To delete intermediary grades from a Grade bin one at a time:

  1. Select the Grade bin from which you want to delete grades.

    Show small imageShow large image

    Image courtesy of The House

    Click: To delete:
    Scene Intermediary grades saved for the current scene only.
    Global Intermediary grades saved for the entire project.
  2. Scroll through the Grade bin to the thumbnail you want to delete. To scroll through a Grade bin, middle-click and drag right or left.
  3. Click the thumbnail you want to delete.

    The name of the selected thumbnail appears in the Name field.

  4. Click Delete.

    The intermediary grade and associated thumbnail are deleted.

To delete all intermediary grades from the Grade bin simultaneously:

  1. Select the Grade bin from which you want to delete grades.

    Show small imageShow large image

    Image courtesy of The House

    Click: To delete:
    Scene Intermediary grades saved for the current scene only.
    Global Intermediary grades saved for the entire project.
  2. Hold down Shift while clicking Delete.

    The Delete All button appears as a red confirmation button.

  3. Do one of the following:

    Show small imageShow large image

    Image courtesy of The House