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Home: Inferno
Accessing Modules from Batch
Accessing Modules from Batch
Creating Animations with the Batch Universal Editor
Working in Action
You can access all of Action's functionality
from Batch. Import clips, create media, and add effects using the
Action node in the Batch process tree. You need not leave the Batch
environment to accomplish any Action-related task.
Note the following when working in Action from
- To
show the selected node's schematic, press the ~ key. Press ~ again to switch between the schematic
and the reference area.
- To
return to the Batch schematic, press the Esc key.
- To
add Media nodes to an Action node, Ctrl-click
the Add button in the Action Media list. If empty media or <new
media> is selected, an empty Media node is created. If media
already has clips from the desktop, the Media node and the Batch
clip(s) are created and linked together. If the selected media is
already a Media node, nothing happens.
For more information, see
Action Node.