Sculpt and paint tools


Windows and Linux

Mac OS X


Adjust brush size B + drag B + drag The tool cursor resizes larger and smaller as you drag.
Adjust brush strength M + drag M + drag The brush strength indicator lengthens or shortens as you drag.
Increase brush size in steps ] ] Increases the size of the brush in increments.
Decrease brush size in steps [ [ Decreases the size of the brush in increments.
Increase brush strength in steps ' (apostrophe) ' (apostrophe) Increases the strength of the brush in increments.
Decrease brush strength in steps ; ; Decreases the strength of the brush in increments.
Select tools from left to right on the current tool tray. 0 - 9 0 - 9 Press the 0 through 9 keys to select the first 9 tools on a tool tray. For more information, see Trays.
Invert Function Ctrl Ctrl If the current tool has an inverse function, the inverse function is applied as you sculpt or paint.
Activate the Smooth tool temporarily Shift Shift Temporarily smooths vertices, no matter which tool is active. (Releasing the Shift key reverts to the selected tool function.)
Turn on the Smooth Values property temporarily to smooth color applied with Freeze or Mask. Shift Shift Temporarily turns on Smooth Values when using Mask or Freeze. Releasing the Shift key reverts to regular Mask or Freeze. For more information, see Advanced properties.
Toggle Falloff Ctrl + \ Command + \ Toggles the tools falloff property between its current and previous setting.
Mirror X Shift + Alt + X Shift + Option + X Reflects strokes for the current sculpt or paint tool across the world space X-axis.
Mirror Y Shift + Alt + Y Shift + Option + Y Reflects strokes for the current sculpt or paint tool across the world space Y-axis.
Mirror Z Shift + Alt + Z Shift + Option + Z Reflects strokes for the current sculpt or paint tool across the world space Z-axis.
Sample color in the 3D View I I Turns on the Color Picker and changes the display mode to Flat Lighting to let you copy/sample color.
Mirror Tangent Shift + Alt + T Shift + Option + T Reflects strokes for the current sculpt or paint tool across the topological center line of a topologically symmetrical model. See also Set a topological axis.
Mirror Off Shift + Alt + O Shift + Option + O Turns off any mirror option so that sculpt or paint tool strokes are not reflected.
Flatten to UV Space, Unflatten from UV Space Alt + T Option + T Produces a flattened copy of a 3D model. The vertices on the flattened version are repositioned to match the UV texture coordinates of the original model to allow texture painting or basic UV editing. The original 3D version still exists and is temporarily invisible. Pressing Alt + T a second time deletes the unflattened version and displays the original 3D version with updated textures/UVs.