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Keyboard shortcuts

Many features in Mudbox are accessible using keyboard shortcuts called hotkeys. You can create and edit hotkeys in the Hotkey editor (Windows > Hotkeys). You can also assign hotkey settings from other Autodesk 3D applications for use with Mudbox. See Customize keyboard shortcuts.

NoteMany hotkeys operate on the active model - the model under your cursor when you press the hotkey.

Refer to the links below for descriptions of all default hotkeys. Note the following section if you are using hotkeys on a Linux system.

Keyboard shortcuts on Linux

Most Mudbox hotkeys for Linux are the same as those described for Windows, and many use the Alt key. Since the Alt key is a default system hotkey on Linux, you want to change this mapping before running Mudbox on Linux for the first time.

To remap the Alt key on the Gnome Window system

  1. On the Gnome menu bar, select System > Preferences > Window.

    A Window Preferences panel displays.

  2. In the Window Preferences panel, set the Movement Key option to Super.

    This frees the Alt key from assigning window movement on your Linux system, letting you use the Alt key for navigation in Mudbox.