The following section describes the properties
for items on the Sculpt Tools tray.
NoteSome tools use only
a subset of the properties listed below.
- Size
the radius of the tool. Size is measured in world space units (for
example, a default Size of 100 = a radius of 100
centimeters). Hotkeys: press b and drag, or press the square bracket
keys, [ to reduce size and ] to increase size.
- Strength
Determines how much the
sculpt tool affects the surface. Depending on the tool, this value
represents either a percentage of the maximum power available or a
height expressed in world space units. Hotkeys: M + drag, or press
; (to reduce strength) and ' (to increase strength).
- Mirror
Reflects a stroke from
one side of a model to the other, along the specified axis:
- Off
Strokes are not reflected.
- X
Reflects strokes across
the world space X-axis.
- Y
Reflects strokes across
the world space Y-axis.
- Z
Reflects strokes across
the world space Z-axis.
- Local X
Reflects strokes across
the local space X-axis.
- Local Y
Reflects strokes across
the local space Y-axis.
- Local Z
Reflects strokes across
the local space Z-axis.
- Tangent
Reflects strokes across
the topological center line of a topologically symmetrical model.
To use tangent space mirroring on a model, you must first define
the model's topological center. See
Set a topological axis.
- Invert Function
Inverts the function
of the tool. For example, if the primary function of the tool is
to pull vertices up, its inverse is to push vertices down. Not all
tools have an inverse function. Default hotkey: press Ctrl to invert
function while sculpting.
- Use Stamp Image
Turns on the selected stamp
for the tool. Stamps modify the strength of the sculpt brush according
to the gray scale values in the stamp image. The darker the overall
values the lower the strength of the tool. Not all sculpt brushes
work with stamps.
- Orient To Stroke
When on, the stamp orientation
follows the direction of your brush stroke.
- Rotate
Rotates the stamp image clockwise.
- Horizontal Flip
Flips the stamp image horizontally.
- Vertical Flip
Flips the stamp image vertically.
- Randomize
Turns the Randomize options
for the tool stamp on or off.
- Random Horizontal Offset
Randomizes the horizontal
position of the brush tip dynamically through the stroke.
- Random Vertical Offset
Randomizes the vertical position
of the brush tip dynamically through the stroke.
- Randomize Rotate
Randomizes the rotation of
the brush tip dynamically through the stroke.
- Randomize Scale
Randomizes the size of the
brush tip dynamically through the stroke.
- Randomize Strength
Randomizes the strength of
the brush tip dynamically through the stroke.
- Horizontal Flips
Randomly flips the position
of the brush tip along its X axis dynamically through the stroke.
- Vertical Flips
Randomly flips the position
of the brush tip along its Y axis dynamically through the stroke.
- Stamp Spacing
Controls the stamp frequency/continuity
on a stroke. Depending on the Size and Falloff settings
for a tool, the Stamp Spacing can be set to
a higher value to refine the tool behavior and improve the appearance
of the stroke. The default setting is 6.25 and ranges between 0
and 100. The higher the setting, the more gaps appear on the stroke, depending
on the tool settings.
- Steady Stroke
Helps to produce a smoother
stroke by filtering mouse/stylus movement. When on, a vector displays
on the tool cursor and no stroke appears until you drag a distance
equal to the length of the vector. The length of the vector is set
by the Steady Stroke Distance property.
- Steady Stroke Distance
Sets the length of the Steady
Stroke vector on the tool cursor.
- Buildup
Specifies the rate at which
the brush deformation grows to reach the Strength value (assuming
a constant pen pressure).
- Flood
Applies the tool uniformly across the entire
surface. Does not apply to areas of the surface that are hidden, frozen
or concealed by a stencil.
- Falloff
Specifies how
the tool effect diminishes (or not) from its center point to its
outer edge. The falloff is represented as a curve that can be edited.
Falloff presets are available
in the Falloff tray.
- Snap
Constrains points to
the grid.
- Store To
Saves the current falloff curve
to the tray.
- Falloff image
Right-click the falloff image
in the Properties window for the following options:
- Insert Point
Inserts a new point under the
- Select Point
Selects the point under the
- Delete Point
Deletes the point under the cursor.
- Remember Size
Preserves the
size of the tool after use. When off, the brush inherits the size
of the previously used brush.
- Orient To Surface
Orients the tool cursor display
(in the 3D View) along the normal of
the face under the center of the cursor ring. Influences cursor
display only, does not influence the effect of the brush on the surface.
- Draw From Center
Specific to the Imprint tool.
Sets how the stamp image expands outward from where you click-drag
to apply it. When on (default), the center of the stamp is anchored
where you click. When off, the edge of the stamp is anchored. Keeping
this option on can be useful especially when using an extracted
vector displacement map as your stamp.
- Affects All Layers
Specific to the Smooth tool.
When on, all sculpt layers are affected by the tool. When off, Smooth affects
only the current sculpt layer.
- Update Plane
Specific to the Flatten, Wax, Scrape, Fill,
and Contrast tools. Recalculates
the underlying tool plane (that affected vertices within the tool
cursor move toward) for each stamp in a stroke. When off, the underlying
plane is determined by the initial stamp and remains fixed for the
duration of the stroke.
- Whole Stroke
Specific to the Flatten, Wax, Scrape, Fill,
and Contrast tools only when Update
Plane is on. Continuously recalculates the underlying tool
plane from all the vertices affected during the stroke.
- Smooth Values
Specific to the Freeze, Mask,
and Erase tools. Switches the current
brush from applying freezing or masking (depending on which tool
is selected) so the stroke blurs the color per vertex information
on any existing freezing or masking. This only works if Smooth&Paint
Values is off. Hotkey: Shift.
- Smooth & Paint Values
Specific to the Freeze, Mask,
and Erase sculpt tools. Applies
freezing or masking (depending on which tool is selected) while
blurring the color per vertex information.
Pen Pressure
- Min Size
Specifies how
small the tool is when the lightest pressure is applied to the pen,
expressed as a percentage of the tool’s Size property.
For example, a Min Size of 100 indicates there
is no size variance, regardless of the pressure applied.
- Min Strength
Specifies how weak the tool
strength is when the lightest pressure is applied to the pen, expressed
as a percentage of the primary tool Strength value.
For example, a Min Strength of 100 indicates
there is no strength variance, regardless of the pressure applied.
- Direction
Specifies the direction vertices
move when affected by a tool:
- Center Normal
Moves vertices in the direction
of the normal of the face directly under the center of the tool.
- Averaged Normal
Moves vertices in the direction
of the average of the normals of all affected faces.
- Vertex Normal
Moves each vertex in
the direction of its own normal.
- Forward
Moves vertices in the direction
of the stroke.
- Right
Moves vertices perpendicular
to the direction of the stroke.
- X
Moves vertices along
the world space X-axis.
- Y
Moves vertices along
the world space Y-axis.
- Z
Moves vertices along
the world space Z-axis.
- Camera
Moves vertices toward the