The following are descriptions of the settings available in the Preferences window. The settings include: color palettes,
hotkey catalogs, presets, and bookmarks. Preferences are stored in a file named .txuser under your user home directory. You do not need to save User preferences; it is done automatically any time you make a change.
The information tab is where you can view and update the metadata saved with your preferences.txuser file.
Location of the preferences.tx file.
Date that the
preferences.txuser file was created.
Last date that the
preferences.txuser file was updated.
Field for included relevant data to identfify the Preferences file.
To view the Creative list, see Creative.
To view the General list, see General.
The Scripting tab lets you set what information you want included in your script display.
Activate to display scripting results.
Activate to include times in the scripting results.
Activate to include the stream path in the scripting results.
Activate to include context information in the scripting results.
Specify the amount of script lines displayed.
Video Preview
The Video Preview tab lets you select a video device and view the display size. Setting Up Video Previewing
Choose from Mono Preview, DLP 3D Preview, or Segmented Frame Preview. The default setting is None.
The Metadata tab lets you create a scoped UDA for a project, user, or composition. See Creating UDAs.
Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License