Clone/Reveal Attributes


This section contains attributes relevant to shapes that use an image source as their color content, when the shape Operation is Clone or Reveal, as opposed to a solid color, when the shape Operation is Paint.

Use: To:
Source Select the image source that will be cloned or revealed into the shape. The menu offers the images that are connected to the node's "Clone/Reveal Sources" input, as well as the background image, labeled as [Background].
Translation X/Y Set the X, Y translation for the clone/reveal image source.
Rotation (R) Set the rotation for the clone/reveal image source.
Frame Select which frame to use as the clone/reveal source, according to the Absolute toggle.
Absolute Control the interpretation of the Frame value. Enable to have the Frame value be an absolute frame index, disable to interpret the Frame value as an offset relative to the current frame.
Edges Control how pixels outside the clone/ reveal image source are generated. Transparent sets them as transparent, Edge extends the edge pixel of the clone/reveal source, Repeat repeats the clone/reveal image source, and Mirror mirrors the clone/reveal image source.
Filtering Control how pixels read from the clone/ reveal image source will be filtered before being applied by the stroke. Nearest is the fastest, but lowest quality. Bilinear provides very good quality at excellent speed. Other modes provide excellent quality, at far slower speeds. See Cropping and Filtering the Output.
Preview Control drawing the clone/reveal image source overlay, to ease placement of the source. This can be very useful in combination with the clone/reveal transform tool.
Preview Opacity Control the opacity of the clone/reveal image source overlay.
Reset Reset all parameters described in this section.