
Defines useful math functions.


blend blend(a, b[, weight=0.5]) :
clamp Clamps the value x between min and max
conjugate the conjugate part of x
gamma Gamma color correction of c with a single scalar gamma value g
hermite As the MEL command : This command returns x point along on x hermite curve from the five given control arguments.
hermiteInterp Hermite interpolation of x between points y0 and y1 of tangent slope s0 and s1
imag the imaginary part of x
linmap Returns the value of a linear remapping function.
linstep Returns the value of a linear step function.
real the real part of x
round round(number[, ndigits]) -> float
setRange Resets x range from x linear interpolation of oldmin to oldmax to x linear interpolation from newmin to newmax
smoothmap Returns the value of a smooth remapping function.
smoothstep Returns the value of a smooth step function.

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