AbstractBaseCreate |
AbstractBaseNurbsConversion |
AddDoubleLinear |
AddMatrix |
AimConstraint |
class counterpart of mel function aimConstraint |
AirField |
class counterpart of mel function air |
AlignCurve |
class counterpart of mel function alignCurve |
AlignSurface |
class counterpart of mel function alignSurface |
AmbientLight |
class counterpart of mel function ambientLight |
AngleBetween |
class counterpart of mel function angleBetween |
AnimBlend |
AnimBlendInOut |
AnimBlendNodeAdditive |
AnimBlendNodeAdditiveDA |
AnimBlendNodeAdditiveDL |
AnimBlendNodeAdditiveF |
AnimBlendNodeAdditiveFA |
AnimBlendNodeAdditiveFL |
AnimBlendNodeAdditiveI16 |
AnimBlendNodeAdditiveI32 |
AnimBlendNodeAdditiveRotation |
AnimBlendNodeAdditiveScale |
AnimBlendNodeBase |
AnimBlendNodeBoolean |
AnimBlendNodeEnum |
AnimClip |
AnimCurve |
AnimCurveTA |
AnimCurveTL |
AnimCurveTT |
AnimCurveTU |
AnimCurveUA |
AnimCurveUL |
AnimCurveUT |
AnimCurveUU |
AnimLayer |
class counterpart of mel function animLayer |
Anisotropic |
AnnotationShape |
class counterpart of mel function annotate |
ArcLengthDimension |
class counterpart of mel function arcLengthDimension |
AreaLight |
ArrayMapper |
class counterpart of mel function arrayMapper |
AttachCurve |
class counterpart of mel function attachCurve |
AttachSurface |
class counterpart of mel function attachSurface |
Audio |
AvgCurves |
AvgNurbsSurfacePoints |
AvgSurfacePoints |
BakeSet |
BaseGeometryVarGroup |
BaseLattice |
BaseShadingSwitch |
Bevel |
class counterpart of mel function bevel |
BevelPlus |
class counterpart of mel function bevelPlus |
BezierCurve |
BezierCurveToNurbs |
class counterpart of mel function bezierCurveToNurbs |
BirailSrf |
Blend |
class counterpart of mel function blend |
BlendColorSets |
BlendColors |
BlendDevice |
BlendShape |
class counterpart of mel function blendShape |
BlendTwoAttr |
class counterpart of mel function blendTwoAttr |
BlendWeighted |
BlindDataTemplate |
Blinn |
BoneLattice |
class counterpart of mel function boneLattice |
Boolean |
Boundary |
class counterpart of mel function boundary |
BoundaryBase |
Brownian |
Brush |
Bulge |
Bump2d |
Bump3d |
CMuscleCreator |
CMuscleDebug |
CMuscleDirection |
CMuscleDisplace |
CMuscleDisplay |
CMuscleFalloff |
CMuscleKeepOut |
CMuscleMultiCollide |
CMuscleObject |
CMuscleRelative |
CMuscleShader |
CMuscleSmartCollide |
CMuscleSmartConstraint |
CMuscleSpline |
CMuscleSplineDeformer |
CMuscleStretch |
CMuscleSurfAttach |
CMuscleSystem |
CacheBase |
CacheBlend |
CacheFile |
class counterpart of mel function cacheFile |
Camera |
class counterpart of mel function camera |
CameraSet |
class counterpart of mel function cameraSet |
CameraView |
class counterpart of mel function cameraView |
Character |
class counterpart of mel function character |
CharacterMap |
class counterpart of mel function characterMap |
CharacterOffset |
Checker |
Choice |
class counterpart of mel function choice |
Chooser |
Clamp |
ClipLibrary |
ClipScheduler |
CloseCurve |
class counterpart of mel function closeCurve |
CloseSurface |
class counterpart of mel function closeSurface |
ClosestPointOnMesh |
ClosestPointOnSurface |
Cloth |
Cloud |
Cluster |
class counterpart of mel function cluster |
ClusterHandle |
ColorProfile |
ComputeGlobal |
ComputeLocal |
Condition |
class counterpart of mel function condition |
Constraint |
Container |
class counterpart of mel function container |
ContainerBase |
Contour_composite |
Contour_contrast_function_levels |
Contour_contrast_function_simple |
Contour_only |
Contour_ps |
Contour_shader_combi |
Contour_shader_curvature |
Contour_shader_depthfade |
Contour_shader_factorcolor |
Contour_shader_framefade |
Contour_shader_layerthinner |
Contour_shader_maxcolor |
Contour_shader_silhouette |
Contour_shader_simple |
Contour_shader_widthfromcolor |
Contour_shader_widthfromlight |
Contour_shader_widthfromlightdir |
Contour_store_function |
Contour_store_function_simple |
Contrast |
ControlPoint |
CopyColorSet |
CopyUVSet |
Crater |
CreateColorSet |
CreateUVSet |
CurveFromMesh |
CurveFromMeshCoM |
CurveFromMeshEdge |
CurveFromSubdiv |
CurveFromSubdivEdge |
CurveFromSubdivFace |
CurveFromSurface |
CurveFromSurfaceBnd |
CurveFromSurfaceCoS |
CurveFromSurfaceIso |
CurveInfo |
CurveIntersect |
class counterpart of mel function curveIntersect |
CurveNormalizer |
CurveNormalizerAngle |
CurveNormalizerLinear |
CurveRange |
CurveShape |
CurveVarGroup |
CylindricalLightLocator |
DagContainer |
DagNode |
DagPose |
class counterpart of mel function dagPose |
DefaultLightList |
DefaultRenderUtilityList |
DefaultShaderList |
DefaultTextureList |
DeformBend |
DeformFlare |
DeformFunc |
DeformSine |
DeformSquash |
DeformTwist |
DeformWave |
DeformableShape |
DeleteColorSet |
DeleteComponent |
DeleteUVSet |
DependNode |
DetachCurve |
class counterpart of mel function detachCurve |
DetachSurface |
class counterpart of mel function detachSurface |
Dgs_material |
Dgs_material_photon |
Dielectric_material |
Dielectric_material_photon |
DimensionShape |
DirectedDisc |
DirectionalLight |
class counterpart of mel function directionalLight |
DiscLightLocator |
DiskCache |
class counterpart of mel function diskCache |
DisplacementShader |
DisplayLayer |
DisplayLayerManager |
DistanceBetween |
DistanceDimShape |
Dof |
DoubleShadingSwitch |
DpBirailSrf |
DragField |
class counterpart of mel function drag |
DropoffLocator |
class counterpart of mel function dropoffLocator |
DynBase |
DynGlobals |
class counterpart of mel function dynGlobals |
DynamicConstraint |
EffectorLocator |
Entity |
EnvBall |
EnvChrome |
EnvCube |
EnvFacade |
EnvFog |
EnvSky |
EnvSphere |
EnvironmentFog |
ExplodeNurbsShell |
Expression |
class counterpart of mel function expression |
ExtendCurve |
class counterpart of mel function extendCurve |
ExtendSurface |
class counterpart of mel function extendSurface |
Extrude |
class counterpart of mel function extrude |
Facade |
FfBlendSrf |
FfBlendSrfObsolete |
FfFilletSrf |
Ffd |
Field |
File |
FilletCurve |
class counterpart of mel function filletCurve |
Filter |
class counterpart of mel function filter |
FilterClosestSample |
FilterEuler |
FilterResample |
FilterSimplify |
FitBspline |
class counterpart of mel function fitBspline |
FlexorShape |
Flow |
class counterpart of mel function flow |
FluidEmitter |
class counterpart of mel function fluidEmitter |
FluidShape |
FluidTexture2D |
FluidTexture3D |
Follicle |
FourByFourMatrix |
Fractal |
FrameCache |
FurAttractors |
FurCurveAttractors |
FurDescription |
FurFeedback |
FurGlobals |
FurPointOnMeshInfo |
FurPointOnSubd |
GammaCorrect |
GeoConnectable |
GeoConnector |
GeometryConstraint |
class counterpart of mel function geometryConstraint |
GeometryFilter |
GeometryShape |
GeometryVarGroup |
GhostLocator |
GlobalCacheControl |
GlobalStitch |
class counterpart of mel function globalStitch |
Granite |
GravityField |
class counterpart of mel function gravity |
Grid |
class counterpart of mel function grid |
GroupId |
GroupParts |
class counterpart of mel function groupParts |
Guide |
HIKCharacterNode |
HIKControlSetNode |
HIKEffector2State |
HIKEffectorFromCharacter |
HIKFK2State |
HIKPinning2State |
HIKProperty2State |
HIKRetargeterNode |
HIKSK2State |
HIKSolverNode |
HIKState2Effector |
HIKState2FK |
HIKState2SK |
HairConstraint |
HairSystem |
HairTubeShader |
HardenPoint |
HardwareRenderGlobals |
HeightField |
HikEffector |
HikFloorContactMarker |
HikGroundPlane |
HikHandle |
HikSolver |
HistorySwitch |
HoldMatrix |
HsvToRgb |
HwReflectionMap |
class counterpart of mel function hwReflectionMap |
HwRenderGlobals |
HwShader |
HyperGraphInfo |
HyperLayout |
HyperView |
Ik2Bsolver |
IkEffector |
IkHandle |
class counterpart of mel function ikHandle |
IkMCsolver |
IkPASolver |
IkRPsolver |
IkSCsolver |
IkSolver |
class counterpart of mel function ikSolver |
IkSplineSolver |
IkSpringSolver |
IkSystem |
class counterpart of mel function ikSystem |
ImagePlane |
ImplicitBox |
ImplicitCone |
ImplicitSphere |
InsertKnotCurve |
class counterpart of mel function insertKnotCurve |
InsertKnotSurface |
class counterpart of mel function insertKnotSurface |
Instancer |
class counterpart of mel function instancer |
IntersectSurface |
Jiggle |
Joint |
class counterpart of mel function joint |
JointCluster |
class counterpart of mel function jointCluster |
JointFfd |
JointLattice |
class counterpart of mel function jointLattice |
Lambert |
Lattice |
class counterpart of mel function lattice |
LayeredShader |
LayeredTexture |
LeastSquaresModifier |
Leather |
Light |
LightFog |
LightInfo |
LightLinker |
LightList |
class counterpart of mel function lightList |
Lightlists |
LineModifier |
Locator |
class counterpart of mel function spaceLocator |
LodGroup |
LodThresholds |
Loft |
class counterpart of mel function loft |
LookAt |
Luminance |
MakeCircularArc |
MakeGroup |
MakeIllustratorCurves |
MakeNurbCircle |
class counterpart of mel function circle |
MakeNurbCone |
class counterpart of mel function cone |
MakeNurbCube |
class counterpart of mel function nurbsCube |
MakeNurbCylinder |
class counterpart of mel function cylinder |
MakeNurbPlane |
class counterpart of mel function nurbsPlane |
MakeNurbSphere |
class counterpart of mel function sphere |
MakeNurbTorus |
class counterpart of mel function torus |
MakeNurbsSquare |
class counterpart of mel function nurbsSquare |
MakeTextCurves |
MakeThreePointCircularArc |
MakeTwoPointCircularArc |
MapVizShape |
Marble |
MaterialFacade |
MaterialInfo |
Membrane |
MentalrayCCMeshProxy |
MentalrayCurveApprox |
MentalrayDisplaceApprox |
MentalrayFramebuffer |
MentalrayGlobals |
MentalrayIblShape |
MentalrayItemsList |
MentalrayLightProfile |
MentalrayOptions |
MentalrayOutputPass |
MentalrayPhenomenon |
MentalrayRenderPass |
MentalrayShader |
MentalraySubdivApprox |
MentalraySurfaceApprox |
MentalrayTessellation |
MentalrayText |
MentalrayTexture |
MentalrayUserBuffer |
MentalrayUserData |
MentalrayVertexColors |
Mesh |
The Mesh class provides wrapped access to many API methods for querying and modifying meshes. Be aware that |
MeshVarGroup |
Mi_bump_flakes |
Mi_car_paint_phen |
Mi_car_paint_phen_x |
Mi_car_paint_phen_x_passes |
Mi_metallic_paint |
Mi_metallic_paint_output_mixer |
Mi_metallic_paint_x |
Mi_metallic_paint_x_passes |
Mia_ciesky |
Mia_envblur |
Mia_exposure_photographic |
Mia_exposure_simple |
Mia_lens_bokeh |
Mia_light_surface |
Mia_material |
Mia_material_x |
Mia_material_x_passes |
Mia_photometric_light |
Mia_physicalsky |
Mia_physicalsun |
Mia_portal_light |
Mia_roundcorners |
Mib_amb_occlusion |
Mib_bent_normal_env |
Mib_blackbody |
Mib_bump_basis |
Mib_bump_map |
Mib_bump_map2 |
Mib_cie_d |
Mib_color_alpha |
Mib_color_average |
Mib_color_intensity |
Mib_color_interpolate |
Mib_color_mix |
Mib_color_spread |
Mib_continue |
Mib_dielectric |
Mib_fast_occlusion |
Mib_fg_occlusion |
Mib_geo_add_uv_texsurf |
Mib_geo_cone |
Mib_geo_cube |
Mib_geo_cylinder |
Mib_geo_instance |
Mib_geo_instance_mlist |
Mib_geo_sphere |
Mib_geo_square |
Mib_geo_torus |
Mib_glossy_reflection |
Mib_glossy_refraction |
Mib_illum_blinn |
Mib_illum_cooktorr |
Mib_illum_hair |
Mib_illum_lambert |
Mib_illum_phong |
Mib_illum_ward |
Mib_illum_ward_deriv |
Mib_lens_clamp |
Mib_lens_stencil |
Mib_light_infinite |
Mib_light_photometric |
Mib_light_point |
Mib_light_spot |
Mib_lightmap_sample |
Mib_lightmap_write |
Mib_lookup_background |
Mib_lookup_cube1 |
Mib_lookup_cube6 |
Mib_lookup_cylindrical |
Mib_lookup_spherical |
Mib_opacity |
Mib_passthrough_bump_map |
Mib_photon_basic |
Mib_ray_marcher |
Mib_reflect |
Mib_refract |
Mib_refraction_index |
Mib_shadow_transparency |
Mib_texture_checkerboard |
Mib_texture_filter_lookup |
Mib_texture_lookup |
Mib_texture_lookup2 |
Mib_texture_polkadot |
Mib_texture_polkasphere |
Mib_texture_remap |
Mib_texture_rotate |
Mib_texture_turbulence |
Mib_texture_vector |
Mib_texture_wave |
Mib_transparency |
Mib_twosided |
Mib_volume |
Mip_binaryproxy |
Mip_cameramap |
Mip_card_opacity |
Mip_fgshooter |
Mip_gamma_gain |
Mip_grayball |
Mip_matteshadow |
Mip_matteshadow_mtl |
Mip_mirrorball |
Mip_motion_vector |
Mip_motionblur |
Mip_rayswitch |
Mip_rayswitch_advanced |
Mip_rayswitch_environment |
Mip_rayswitch_stage |
Mip_render_subset |
Misss_call_shader |
Misss_fast_lmap_maya |
Misss_fast_shader |
Misss_fast_shader_x |
Misss_fast_shader_x_passes |
Misss_fast_simple_maya |
Misss_fast_simple_phen |
Misss_fast_skin_maya |
Misss_fast_skin_phen |
Misss_fast_skin_phen_d |
Misss_lambert_gamma |
Misss_lightmap_write |
Misss_physical |
Misss_physical_phen |
Misss_physical_shader |
Misss_set_normal |
Misss_skin_specular |
MotionPath |
Mountain |
Movie |
MpBirailSrf |
MultDoubleLinear |
MultMatrix |
MultilisterLight |
MultiplyDivide |
Mute |
class counterpart of mel function mute |
NBase |
class counterpart of mel function nBase |
NCloth |
NComponent |
NParticle |
class counterpart of mel function nParticle |
NRigid |
NearestPointOnCurve |
Network |
NewtonField |
Noise |
NonAmbientLightShapeNode |
NonExtendedLightShapeNode |
NonLinear |
class counterpart of mel function nonLinear |
NormalConstraint |
class counterpart of mel function normalConstraint |
Nucleus |
NurbsCurve |
class counterpart of mel function curve |
NurbsCurveToBezier |
class counterpart of mel function nurbsCurveToBezier |
NurbsDimShape |
NurbsSurface |
class counterpart of mel function surface |
NurbsTessellate |
NurbsToSubdiv |
class counterpart of mel function nurbsToSubdiv |
NurbsToSubdivProc |
ObjectAttrFilter |
ObjectBinFilter |
ObjectFilter |
ObjectMultiFilter |
ObjectNameFilter |
ObjectRenderFilter |
ObjectScriptFilter |
ObjectSet |
The ObjectSet class and SelectionSet class work together. Both classes have a very similar interface, |
ObjectTypeFilter |
Ocean |
OceanShader |
OffsetCos |
OffsetCurve |
class counterpart of mel function offsetCurve |
OffsetSurface |
class counterpart of mel function offsetSurface |
OldBlindDataBase |
OpticalFX |
OrientConstraint |
class counterpart of mel function orientConstraint |
OrientationMarker |
Oversampling_lens |
PairBlend |
class counterpart of mel function pairBlend |
ParamDimension |
class counterpart of mel function paramDimension |
ParentConstraint |
class counterpart of mel function parentConstraint |
ParentTessellate |
Parti_volume |
Parti_volume_photon |
Particle |
class counterpart of mel function particle |
ParticleAgeMapper |
ParticleCloud |
ParticleColorMapper |
ParticleIncandMapper |
ParticleSamplerInfo |
ParticleTranspMapper |
Partition |
class counterpart of mel function partition |
PassContributionMap |
PassMatrix |
Path_material |
PfxGeometry |
PfxHair |
PfxToon |
Phong |
PhongE |
Physical_lens_dof |
Physical_light |
Place2dTexture |
Place3dTexture |
PlanarTrimSurface |
Plane |
class counterpart of mel function plane |
PlusMinusAverage |
PointConstraint |
class counterpart of mel function pointConstraint |
PointEmitter |
PointLight |
class counterpart of mel function pointLight |
PointMatrixMult |
PointOnCurveInfo |
PointOnPolyConstraint |
class counterpart of mel function pointOnPolyConstraint |
PointOnSurfaceInfo |
PoleVectorConstraint |
class counterpart of mel function poleVectorConstraint |
PolyAppend |
class counterpart of mel function polyAppend |
PolyAppendVertex |
class counterpart of mel function polyAppendVertex |
PolyAutoProj |
PolyAverageVertex |
class counterpart of mel function polyAverageVertex |
PolyBase |
PolyBevel |
class counterpart of mel function polyBevel |
PolyBlindData |
class counterpart of mel function polyBlindData |
PolyBoolOp |
class counterpart of mel function polyBoolOp |
PolyBridgeEdge |
class counterpart of mel function polyBridgeEdge |
PolyChipOff |
class counterpart of mel function polyChipOff |
PolyCloseBorder |
class counterpart of mel function polyCloseBorder |
PolyCollapseEdge |
class counterpart of mel function polyCollapseEdge |
PolyCollapseF |
PolyColorDel |
class counterpart of mel function polyColorDel |
PolyColorMod |
class counterpart of mel function polyColorMod |
PolyColorPerVertex |
class counterpart of mel function polyColorPerVertex |
PolyCone |
class counterpart of mel function polyCone |
PolyConnectComponents |
class counterpart of mel function polyConnectComponents |
PolyCopyUV |
class counterpart of mel function polyCopyUV |
PolyCrease |
class counterpart of mel function polyCrease |
PolyCreaseEdge |
PolyCreateFace |
PolyCreator |
PolyCube |
class counterpart of mel function polyCube |
PolyCut |
class counterpart of mel function polyCut |
PolyCylProj |
PolyCylinder |
class counterpart of mel function polyCylinder |
PolyDelEdge |
class counterpart of mel function polyDelEdge |
PolyDelFacet |
class counterpart of mel function polyDelFacet |
PolyDelVertex |
class counterpart of mel function polyDelVertex |
PolyDuplicateEdge |
class counterpart of mel function polyDuplicateEdge |
PolyEdgeToCurve |
PolyExtrudeEdge |
class counterpart of mel function polyExtrudeEdge |
PolyExtrudeFace |
PolyExtrudeVertex |
class counterpart of mel function polyExtrudeVertex |
PolyFlipEdge |
class counterpart of mel function polyFlipEdge |
PolyFlipUV |
class counterpart of mel function polyFlipUV |
PolyHelix |
class counterpart of mel function polyHelix |
PolyHoleFace |
PolyLayoutUV |
class counterpart of mel function polyLayoutUV |
PolyMapCut |
class counterpart of mel function polyMapCut |
PolyMapDel |
class counterpart of mel function polyMapDel |
PolyMapSew |
class counterpart of mel function polyMapSew |
PolyMapSewMove |
class counterpart of mel function polyMapSewMove |
PolyMergeEdge |
class counterpart of mel function polyMergeEdge |
PolyMergeFace |
PolyMergeUV |
class counterpart of mel function polyMergeUV |
PolyMergeVert |
PolyMirror |
PolyModifier |
PolyModifierUV |
PolyModifierWorld |
PolyMoveEdge |
class counterpart of mel function polyMoveEdge |
PolyMoveFace |
PolyMoveFacetUV |
class counterpart of mel function polyMoveFacetUV |
PolyMoveUV |
class counterpart of mel function polyMoveUV |
PolyMoveVertex |
class counterpart of mel function polyMoveVertex |
PolyNormal |
class counterpart of mel function polyNormal |
PolyNormalPerVertex |
class counterpart of mel function polyNormalPerVertex |
PolyNormalizeUV |
class counterpart of mel function polyNormalizeUV |
PolyOptUvs |
class counterpart of mel function polyOptUvs |
PolyPipe |
class counterpart of mel function polyPipe |
PolyPlanarProj |
PolyPlane |
class counterpart of mel function polyPlane |
PolyPlatonicSolid |
class counterpart of mel function polyPlatonicSolid |
PolyPoke |
class counterpart of mel function polyPoke |
PolyPrimitive |
class counterpart of mel function polyPrimitive |
PolyPrimitiveMisc |
class counterpart of mel function polyPrimitiveMisc |
PolyPrism |
class counterpart of mel function polyPrism |
PolyProj |
PolyPyramid |
class counterpart of mel function polyPyramid |
PolyQuad |
class counterpart of mel function polyQuad |
PolyReduce |
class counterpart of mel function polyReduce |
PolySeparate |
class counterpart of mel function polySeparate |
PolySewEdge |
class counterpart of mel function polySewEdge |
PolySmooth |
class counterpart of mel function polySmooth |
PolySmoothFace |
PolySmoothProxy |
PolySoftEdge |
class counterpart of mel function polySoftEdge |
PolySphProj |
PolySphere |
class counterpart of mel function polySphere |
PolySpinEdge |
class counterpart of mel function polySpinEdge |
PolySplit |
class counterpart of mel function polySplit |
PolySplitEdge |
class counterpart of mel function polySplitEdge |
PolySplitRing |
class counterpart of mel function polySplitRing |
PolySplitVert |
PolyStraightenUVBorder |
class counterpart of mel function polyStraightenUVBorder |
PolySubdEdge |
PolySubdFace |
PolyToSubdiv |
class counterpart of mel function polyToSubdiv |
PolyTorus |
class counterpart of mel function polyTorus |
PolyTransfer |
class counterpart of mel function polyTransfer |
PolyTriangulate |
class counterpart of mel function polyTriangulate |
PolyTweak |
PolyTweakUV |
PolyUVRectangle |
class counterpart of mel function polyUVRectangle |
PolyUnite |
class counterpart of mel function polyUnite |
PolyWedgeFace |
class counterpart of mel function polyWedgeFace |
PositionMarker |
PostProcessList |
PrecompExport |
Primitive |
ProjectCurve |
class counterpart of mel function projectCurve |
ProjectTangent |
class counterpart of mel function projectTangent |
Projection |
ProxyManager |
PsdFileTex |
QuadShadingSwitch |
RadialField |
Ramp |
RampShader |
RbfSrf |
RebuildCurve |
class counterpart of mel function rebuildCurve |
RebuildSurface |
class counterpart of mel function rebuildSurface |
Record |
RectangularLightLocator |
Reference |
class counterpart of mel function reference |
Reflect |
RemapColor |
RemapHsv |
RemapValue |
RenderBox |
RenderCone |
RenderGlobals |
RenderGlobalsList |
RenderLayer |
RenderLayerManager |
RenderLight |
RenderPass |
RenderPassSet |
RenderQuality |
RenderRect |
RenderSphere |
Resolution |
ResultCurve |
ResultCurveTimeToAngular |
ResultCurveTimeToLinear |
ResultCurveTimeToTime |
ResultCurveTimeToUnitless |
Reverse |
ReverseCurve |
class counterpart of mel function reverseCurve |
ReverseSurface |
class counterpart of mel function reverseSurface |
Revolve |
class counterpart of mel function revolve |
RevolvedPrimitive |
RgbToHsv |
RigidBody |
class counterpart of mel function rigidBody |
RigidConstraint |
RigidSolver |
class counterpart of mel function rigidSolver |
Rock |
RotateHelper |
RoundConstantRadius |
class counterpart of mel function roundConstantRadius |
Sampler |
SamplerInfo |
ScaleConstraint |
class counterpart of mel function scaleConstraint |
Script |
Sculpt |
class counterpart of mel function sculpt |
SelectionListOperator |
SelectionSet |
SequenceManager |
class counterpart of mel function sequenceManager |
Sequencer |
SetRange |
ShaderGlow |
ShadingEngine |
ShadingMap |
Shape |
ShellTessellate |
Shot |
class counterpart of mel function shot |
SimpleVolumeShader |
SingleShadingSwitch |
SketchPlane |
SkinBinding |
SkinCluster |
class counterpart of mel function skinCluster |
Smear |
SmoothCurve |
class counterpart of mel function smoothCurve |
SmoothTangentSrf |
Snapshot |
class counterpart of mel function snapshot |
SnapshotShape |
Snow |
SoftMod |
class counterpart of mel function softMod |
SoftModHandle |
SolidFractal |
SpBirailSrf |
SphericalLightLocator |
SpotLight |
class counterpart of mel function spotLight |
Spring |
class counterpart of mel function spring |
SquareSrf |
Stencil |
StereoRigCamera |
StitchAsNurbsShell |
StitchSrf |
Stroke |
class counterpart of mel function stroke |
StrokeGlobals |
Stucco |
StudioClearCoat |
StyleCurve |
SubCurve |
SubSurface |
SubdAddTopology |
SubdAutoProj |
SubdBase |
SubdBlindData |
SubdCleanTopology |
class counterpart of mel function subdCleanTopology |
SubdHierBlind |
SubdLayoutUV |
class counterpart of mel function subdLayoutUV |
SubdMapCut |
class counterpart of mel function subdMapCut |
SubdMapSewMove |
class counterpart of mel function subdMapSewMove |
SubdModifier |
SubdModifierUV |
SubdModifierWorld |
SubdPlanarProj |
SubdTweak |
SubdTweakUV |
Subdiv |
class counterpart of mel function subdiv |
SubdivCollapse |
SubdivComponentId |
SubdivReverseFaces |
SubdivSurfaceVarGroup |
SubdivToNurbs |
SubdivToPoly |
SurfaceInfo |
SurfaceLuminance |
SurfaceSampler |
class counterpart of mel function surfaceSampler |
SurfaceShader |
SurfaceShape |
SurfaceVarGroup |
THdeformer |
THdependNode |
THikSolverNode |
THlocatorShape |
THsurfaceShape |
TangentConstraint |
class counterpart of mel function tangentConstraint |
Texture2d |
Texture3d |
TextureBakeSet |
TextureEnv |
TextureToGeom |
Time |
TimeFunction |
TimeToUnitConversion |
ToonLineAttributes |
TransferAttributes |
class counterpart of mel function transferAttributes |
Transform |
class counterpart of mel function xform |
TransformGeometry |
Transmat |
Transmat_photon |
Trim |
class counterpart of mel function trim |
TrimWithBoundaries |
TripleShadingSwitch |
TurbulenceField |
class counterpart of mel function turbulence |
Tweak |
UniformField |
class counterpart of mel function uniform |
UnitConversion |
UnitToTimeConversion |
Unknown |
UnknownDag |
UnknownTransform |
Untrim |
class counterpart of mel function untrim |
UseBackground |
UvChooser |
VectorProduct |
VectorRenderGlobals |
VertexBakeSet |
ViewColorManager |
VolumeAxisField |
class counterpart of mel function volumeAxis |
VolumeFog |
VolumeLight |
VolumeNoise |
VolumeShader |
VortexField |
class counterpart of mel function vortex |
Water |
WeightGeometryFilter |
Wire |
class counterpart of mel function wire |
Wood |
Wrap |
WriteToColorBuffer |
WriteToDepthBuffer |
WriteToFrameBuffer |
WriteToLabelBuffer |
WriteToVectorBuffer |
WtAddMatrix |