
wireContext(*args, **kwargs)

This command creates a tool that can be used to create a wire deformer.

Long name (short name) Argument Types Properties
crossingEffect (ce) float ../../../_images/create.gif ../../../_images/query.gif ../../../_images/edit.gif
Set the amount of convolution filter effect. Varies from fully convolved at 0 to a simple additive effect at 1. Default is 0.
deformationOrder (do) unicode ../../../_images/create.gif ../../../_images/query.gif ../../../_images/edit.gif
Set the appropriate flag that determines the position in in the deformation hierarchy.
dropoffDistance (dds) float ../../../_images/create.gif ../../../_images/query.gif ../../../_images/edit.gif
Set the dropoff Distance for the wires.
envelope (en) float ../../../_images/create.gif ../../../_images/query.gif ../../../_images/edit.gif
Set the envelope value for the deformer. Default is 1.0
exclusive (exc) bool ../../../_images/create.gif ../../../_images/query.gif ../../../_images/edit.gif
Set exclusive mode on or off
exclusivePartition (ep) unicode ../../../_images/create.gif ../../../_images/query.gif ../../../_images/edit.gif
Set the name of an exclusive partition. Flag can have multiple arguments, passed either as a tuple or a list.
exists (ex) bool ../../../_images/create.gif
Returns true or false depending upon whether the specified object exists. Other flags are ignored.
groupWithBase (gw) bool ../../../_images/create.gif ../../../_images/query.gif ../../../_images/edit.gif
Groups the wire with the base wire so that they can easily be moved together to create a ripple effect. Default is false.
history (ch) bool ../../../_images/create.gif
If this is a tool command, turn the construction history on for the tool in question.
holder (ho) bool ../../../_images/create.gif ../../../_images/edit.gif

Controls whether the user can specify holders for the wires from the wire context. A holder is a curve that you can use to limit the wire’s deformation region. Default is false.

image1 (i1) unicode ../../../_images/create.gif ../../../_images/query.gif ../../../_images/edit.gif
image2 (i2) unicode ../../../_images/create.gif ../../../_images/query.gif ../../../_images/edit.gif
image3 (i3) unicode ../../../_images/create.gif ../../../_images/query.gif ../../../_images/edit.gif
Contexts support up to three icons that represent the tool associated with the context.
localInfluence (li) float ../../../_images/create.gif ../../../_images/query.gif ../../../_images/edit.gif
Set the amount of local influence a wire has with respect to other wires. Default is 0.
name (n) unicode ../../../_images/create.gif
If this is a tool command, name the tool appropriately.

Derived from mel command maya.cmds.wireContext


import pymel.core as pm

pm.wireContext( 'wireCtx' )

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