Set the infinity type before (after) a paramCurve’s first (last) keyframe. In query mode, return type is based on queried flag.
List of attributes to select
This flag explicitly specifies whether or not to include the control points of a shape (see -sflag) in the list of attributes. Default: false. (Not valid for pasteKeycmd.)
Hierarchy expansion options. Valid values are above,below,both,and none.(Not valid for pasteKeycmd.)
Set the infinity type after a paramCurve’s last keyframe. Valid values are constant, linear, cycle, cycleRelative, oscillate. Flag can have multiple arguments, passed either as a tuple or a list.
Set the infinity type before a paramCurve’s first keyframe. Valid values are constant, linear, cycle, cycleRelative, oscillate.
Consider attributes of shapes below transforms as well, except controlPoints. Default: true. (Not valid for pasteKeycmd.)
Derived from mel command maya.cmds.setInfinity