Use the following best
practices to optimize Maya’s performance.
Interactive drawing
- Turn on Shading > Interactive
Shading to improve performance when moving the camera.
- Save the file in the simplest display
mode to make load time faster. Avoid saving files in textured display
- Use default display options for polygons.
- Turn off display of all non-essential
UI that updates when the scene view updates, for example: Heads
Up Display, Time Slider, Range
Slider, Hypershade, Attribute
Editor, UV Texture Editor.
- Turn off the display of all non-essential
scene elements, ranging from the Grid to drawing skeletons.
- Work with a layout that only includes
a single modeling panel.
- Divide your scene efficiently by doing
the following:
- Segment your scene into areas that don’t
overlap (for example, using a grid layout).
- Use display layers to turn on or off
the areas as required.
Splitting your scene
up into a non-overlapping rectangular grid is also helpful for setting
up visibility layers because you can then plan the scene sector
by sector. However, note that Maya performs front, back, and side camera
frustum culling per object. So, if even one triangle shows up, Maya draws
- Use the new hardware Mipmap filtering
options, which are in the Hardware Texturing section
of the shader node, Texture Filter drop-down list.
- Use the new Use default material display
mode if applicable.
- Don’t use extra Shading menu settings
like Wireframe on Shaded if you don't need them.
- If possible, use Show
> Isolate Select to limit what is displayed and refreshed
in the scene.
- Objects with less than a few hundred
triangles, and especially those with only a few triangles will have
a high performance overhead. If possible, merge the objects together
into one. Maya performs much better with less objects that each
have thousands of triangles versus many objects with only a few
- Use instancing when possible. This includes
instancing geometry, materials and textures. If using file texture
nodes, it is better to have one file texture node that is instanced
versus many copies of the node. This affects memory used when the
file is loaded as well as on disk.
- Make sure to set your video card settings
to Maya settings and disable vertical sync (sync).
- The default material display option can
be used to see the difference between using 1 shader for all objects
versus n shaders.
- If surfaces are partitioned into many
layers, this may slow down shaded mode display. Attempt to use fewer
partitions if possible, and if used for visibility to partition
the surfaces into grid sections. This helps with visibility culling.
- Attempt to build surfaces that do not
intersect each other in terms of their bounds (bounding boxes).
Visibility testing performs worse in these cases.
- Sorting of the DAG hierarchy by display
attribute types may help. This can be done by reordering DAG objects
in Outliner.
- Ordering your DAG hierarchy may help:
- all surfaces first, then all non-surfaces
- by visibility within a given region (perhaps
by layer if layers are used for visibility partitioning)
- by depth to viewer (if feasible)
- material and lighting attributes: for
example, all lamberts, then all blinns, then all shaders which don't
use lighting, then all those that do, and finally all shaders which
don't have transparency, then all those that do
- Use a minimal shader for an object. For
example use a surface shader when you don't require lighting, or
you’ll be overriding lighting elsewhere, for example, with color
per vertex.
- Remove duplicate shading networks.
Hardware Shaders
These are coding tips
for hardware shader plug-in writers.
- Do not push and pop all GL attributes
if not required. This is more expensive than pushing specific attributes.
- If you’re only using hardware shaders
in the scene view, we recommend that you use the older API: geometry(),
bind() and unbind(). If you also want to batch render your hardware
shader, we recommend you use the newer API: glGeometry, glBind and
- We recommend you cache all node attributes
as internal. The example plug-ins hwColorPerVertex, hwPhongShader
and the cgFxShader all do this. Non-cached values are very expensive
to evaluate and can double the draw time.
- Avoid using complex attributes (structures
and arrays).
- If the output color on the shader is
not important, do not make any attributes affect it. This causes
additional computation as marking one attribute dirty causes a recomputation
to derive the dependent one.
- The compute() method can be left empty
if not required. The simpler the method the better. You will not
see Hypershade swatches if you
do not compute the output color.
- Do not post-normalize tangents in the
plug-in. This is done for you.
- Data sent via the geometry calls are
read-only and are cached internally. Do not modify the values.
- Use simple data structures (versus Maya
API objects) for simple data. For example, use float3 versus MFloatVector.
There is a performance overhead due to the interfaces used in OpenMaya.
- Take advantage of methods available on
M3dView. OpenGL state is cached internally and can give better performance
than using beginGL(), endGL() and direct calls to OpenGL.
- Use glDrawRangeElements to draw with.
This is the API recommended by the card vendor for drawing with
the geometry arrays passed to the hardware shader.
- Make sure to set the hasTransparency()
return value appropriately. Setting it to true causes Maya to draw
an object twice (once culling front faces, once culling back).
- Take into account the current display
state in M3dView. For example, don't disable lighting if the display
mode is Use No Lights.
- When transparency is enabled, framebuffer
blending is already enabled. You do not need to enable it again.
- Take advantage of the new method: MPxHwShaderNode::currentPath()
to send the appropriate information for attribute query methods
(for example, getTexCoordSetNames()).
- Test which parameters on color/alpha
and depth mask are enabled for interactive and especially for hardware
rendering. They can give hints as to how to draw a simpler version
of the geometry.
- For the Hardware renderer, the plug-in
can be called multiple times. The general sequence is usually: depth
pass, [lighting pass[es]], color pass, [shadow map pass], [alpha
pass], [depth pass]. Items marked with braces “[“ “]” are optional
and dependent upon the number of lights in the scene, whether shadows
are enabled for those lights, and whether alpha and depth output
images are specified in the Render Settings.
- Use the new Ignore Hardware Shader option
which is available per object (NURBS or polygonal surfaces). This
is available in the Attribute Editor in the Object
Display section and as a new option in the Display
> Object Display menu. Use Ignore Hardware Shader to
make the hardware shader not show up on the object, or use Use
Hardware Shader to restore the default state of showing
the shader. This allows users of the plug-in to selectively disable
shader display for performance reasons.
- Unlimited undo queue takes more memory
than a limited undo queue. The default Undo queue
is set to 50 in the Preferences window.
- Take advantage of large address awareness
on Windows XP up to 3 GB.
- Use instancing when possible. This includes
geometry, materials, textures, lights, and so on.
- Parallel memory copy may, in some cases,
improve speed for Opterm or Nehalem systems. However, it can also
potentially slow down Xeon systems. Use MAYA_NO_PARALLEL_MEMCPY
to disable parallel memory copy if you find that your speed has
been impacted. Note, however, that there are other factors that
may affect speed in Maya, such as your scene complexity and workload.
IK, Dependency Loops, and
- After loading a file, a wait cursor may
come up and Maya will use all available CPU cycles for a long time
(several minutes at least). This problem seems to occur in files
that have IK and dependency loops.
The ideal workaround
is to find and remove the dependency loop. These loops may be difficult
to find. For example, A may be translated by a pointConstraint B
that uses target C that has a parent D that is rotated by an expression
E that has an input from F that is constrained to G which is a child
of A. One hint is to look for expressions that have outputs to attributes
on many different nodes.
That is, some complex
scenes take a long time to evaluate, and you could encounter this
when loading a file.
The Polygon Draw Cache
- In Maya, the use of a polygon draw cache
usually improves speed and performance. However, when loading certain
very large files in Maya, the polygon draw cache may cause the memory
usage of Maya to exceed the memory available to the application
on your system, resulting in instability.
(Note: The 64-bit version
of Maya on Windows and Linux provides enough memory space that this
issue should not arise.)
If you encounter this
problem using Windows XP on a 32-bit system, we suggest you increase
the application memory limit of Maya; for instructions on how to
do this, see
Set Maya to use maximum memory (increase the Virtual Memory limit).
You can also disable
the polygon draw cache so that you can more easily load very large
files. There is an environment variable called MAYA_DISABLE_POLYGON_DRAW_CACHE. Set
it to 1 to disable the polygon draw cache.
If you disable the polygon
draw cache, interactive draw performance will be slower. We recommend
that you not leave this environment variable set to 1, but instead
set it only for working on files that show this problem.
- Use Edit Deformers > Prune Membership
commands to remove components that aren’t affected by the deformer.
- When using imported audio files in Maya,
it is inadvisable to have background applications running that use
audio capabilities. Running other applications that use audio may
cause Maya to hang.
- Lowering the Fur Accuracy value
for the Fur Feedback hairs significantly increases
interactive draw speed, but makes it less easy to preview Scraggle, Curl or Clumping.
- Since Shadow Maps are
expensive to render, don’t use more than you need. Autoshading is
free and can provide an acceptable alternative for some lights when
using the Maya Software renderer.
- On Windows, fragmented hard drives can
cause serious performance issues. We suggest you defragment regularly
and thoroughly with a dedicated application. Standard tools offered
by the operating system are often not sufficient to gain performance
- Take advantage of file referencing. For
more information, see
About file referencing.
- Become very familiar with
Window > Settings/Preferences > Performance Settings.
- Use
File > Optimize Scene Size >
to remove
unused scene data.
- Returning to Maya after a screen saver
has been activated can, with some old or low-end graphics cards,
cause selection marquees or panel contents to disappear.
Press the space bar or
use the Panels menu to change the current
panel configuration. All panels should now be drawing normally.
To return to your previous configuration, either press the space
bar again, or select the appropriate entry from the Panels menu.
- The cycle checking that happens during
attribute evaluation may miss a cycle in which incoming connections
on a DAG node form a cycle that includes any of the worldspace attributes
on its child nodes. The MEL command cycleCheck NODE
can be used to detect these cycles if you suspect this to be the
- Use the Reuse Triangles attribute
on polygons.
- Use Poly Reduce to
simplify complex geometry. Polygonal models
that don't have the following will display faster: unshared normals,
unshared texture coordinates, unmapped faces, and faces that are not
triangles (not triangulated).
- Use the Stand In attribute
on rigid body geometry.
- When starting or setting up a simulation,
start with less geometry on particles.
Classic Cloth
- Turn off Classic Cloth collisions
for the initial setup and testing of a simulation.
- Animate settings like Frame
Samples and Time Step Size to
improve solve time.
- Solve in batch mode.
- Use Render Diagnostics for
hints on improving performance. See
Maya render diagnostics for
more information.
- Remove duplicate shading networks.
- Increase Stamp Spacing if
possible (Stroke section of Artisan
Tool settings editor).
- Use Screen Projection if
possible (Stroke section of Artisan
Tool settings editor).
Paint Effects
- Lower the Display Quality in
the Paint Effects Tool settings