Bakes the current simulation. See Bake keys.
Edit > Keys >
Bake Simulation >
Opens the Bake Simulation Options window. See To set Bake Simulation options.
Specifies the channels (keyable attributes) whose animation curves will be included in the keyset.
Specifies that the keyset will include any driven keys. The driven keys enable the values of keyable attributes (channels) to be driven by the values of other attributes. See Driven keys. Default is off.
Bake To
Specifies how you want animation from layers to be baked. See also Bake animation layers. Select from the following options:
Specifies the frequency with which Maya will evaluate the animation and generate keys. Increasing this value decreases how often Maya sets keys for the animation. Decreasing has the opposite effect.
The Sample By value is based on the Time Unit setting. It represents the frequency with which Maya will analyze the object’s animation and generate a key. A value of 1 creates a key at each time unit. Greater values decrease the frequency of generated keys, and smaller values increase the frequency.
When on, Maya limits the number of keyframes generated during the bake process by placing keyframes only at times where the baked animation curves have keyframes.
When Smart Bake is on, you can also turn on Increase Fidelity to allow Maya add keyframes based on the Fidelity Keys Tolerance value you set.
When off, keyframes on the result curves are placed based on the Sample by value.
When on, Maya will add keys to result (baked) curves based on the Fidelity Keys Tolerance percentage value you set. This can help preserve the shape of your baked/merged animation curves without adding a large number of new keyframes to the result curves.
When Smart Bake and Increase Fidelity are on, this value lets you determine when Maya can add extra keyframes to the result curves.
For each segment of the result (baked) curves, this percentage determines how different the values of the baked curves can be from the source curves before Maya sets a new keyframe.
The lower the Fidelity Keys Tolerance, the more keyframes are added during the bake process, correcting differences between the source animation curves and the result animation curves.
The higher the Fidelity Keys Tolerance, the less new keyframes are added to your result curves, but the more your result curves are allowed to diverge from your original curves.
This option preserves the keys that are outside the baked time range and only applies to directly connected animation curves. When on, bake simulation does not remove keys that are outside the bake range. When off, only the keys created within the specified time range during the bake will be present on the animation curve after the operation.