In the window, specify a name for the
grouping you want to create.
Select points for the first half of the
area you want to collide. For example, select an upper arm region
of points, and click the load selection button
to load these point indexes into the window in the Pts
A section.
Select the other half of the area you
want to collide and load those points by clicking the button
in the Pts B area.
Click Create New Grouping.
This data is now stored
on the Muscle deformer so that it knows which areas of your mesh
to collide.
Select the Muscle deformer on the object.
In the Channel Box or Attribute
Editor, set the selfCollision attribute
to on.
Collisions are computed.
Adjust the Self Collision, Self
Rigidity and Self Volumize weights
as desired. You can also adjust the attributes related to Self Collision
in the
Self Collision Grouping window.