Set preferred angles
NoteIf you want an entire joint chain or skeleton to assume its preferred angles, select the parent joint of your joint chain or the root joint of your skeleton.

To set a joint’s preferred angles

  1. Select a joint.
  2. In the Animation menu set (press F2), select Skeleton > Set Preferred Angle > .

    The Set Preferred Angle Options windows opens.

  3. Set the options.
  4. Do one of the following:
    • Click Set to set the joint’s current local orientation as its preferred angles.

    The Set Preferred Angle Options window closes.

    • Click Apply to set the joint’s current local orientation as its preferred angles.

    The Set Preferred Angle Options window remains open.

    • Click Close to disregard the options window’s settings.

    The Set Preferred Angle Options window closes.

To make a joint assume its preferred angles

  1. Select a joint.
  2. In the Animation menu set (press F2), select Skeleton > Assume Preferred Angle > .

    The Assume Preferred Angle Options window appears.

  3. Set the options.
  4. Do one of the following:
    • Click Assume to make the current joint assume its preferred angles.

    The Assume Preferred Angle Options window closes.

    • Click Apply to make the current joint assume its preferred angles.

    The Assume Preferred Angle Options window remains open.

    • Click Close to disregard the options window’s settings.

    The Assume Preferred Angle Options window closes.

    NoteYou can also set a joint chain or skeleton’s Preferred Angle values by -clicking the chain or skeleton, and then selecting Assume Preferred Angle from the marking menu that appears.

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