Orient a joint’s local axes manually

To manually orient a joint’s local axes

  1. Select the joint whose local rotation axes orientation you want to set.
  2. Select Display > Transform Display > Local Rotation Axes.

    The current joint’s local rotation axes appear.

  3. Click the Select by component type icon in the Status Line to turn on the component selection mode.
  4. Click the Select Miscellaneous components icon in the Status Line.
  5. -click the Select Miscellaneous components icon and turn on Local Rotation Axes in the menu that appears.

    You can now select the local rotation axis of your joint.

  6. Select the local axis.

  7. Do one of the following:
    • Select the Rotate Tool (hotkey: E) from the Tool Box and use the Rotate Tool to orient the local axis by hand.

    For information on using the Rotate Tool, see Rotate Tool.

    • If you want to enter precise orientation values for the local axis, you can use a MEL command like the following:
      	rotate -r -os 180 0 0;

    This command rotates the current joint’s local axes 180 degrees about its X-axis.

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