MDistance Class Reference
[OpenMaya - API module for common classes]

#include <MDistance.h>

List of all members.

Detailed Description

Manipulate Linear Data.

The MDistance class provides a fundamental type for the Maya API to hold and manipulate linear data. All API methods that require or return distance information do so through variables of this type.


Public Types

enum   Unit { ,
   kInches, kFeet, kYards, kMiles,
   kMillimeters, kCentimeters, kKilometers, kMeters
  Available Unit Systems. More...

Public Member Functions

  MDistance ()
  MDistance (double value, Unit unitSystem=kCentimeters)
  MDistance (const MDistance &src)
  ~MDistance ()
MDistance operator= (const MDistance &src)
Unit  unit () const
double  value () const
MStatus  setUnit (Unit newUnit)
MStatus  setValue (double newValue)
double  as (Unit newUnit, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
double  asUnits (Unit newUnit, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
double  asInches () const
double  asFeet () const
double  asYards () const
double  asMiles () const
double  asMillimeters () const
double  asCentimeters () const
double  asKilometers () const
double  asMeters () const

Static Public Member Functions

static Unit  uiUnit ()
static MStatus  setUIUnit (Unit newUnit)
static Unit  internalUnit ()
static double  internalToUI (double internalValue)
static double  uiToInternal (double uiValue)
static MStatus  setInternalUnit (Unit internalUnit)
  This method is obsolete.

Member Enumeration Documentation

Available Unit Systems.

kInches  Inches.
kFeet  Feet.
kYards  Yards.
kMiles  Miles.
kMillimeters  Millimeters.
kCentimeters  Centimeters.
kKilometers  Kilometers.
kMeters  Meters.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

MDistance::MDistance (  ) 

The default class constructor. Initialize the MDistance instance to 0 in the current internal units. (See setInternalUnit and internalUnit below).

MDistance::MDistance ( double  newValue,
MDistance::Unit  newUnit = kCentimeters  

Class constructor. Initialize the MDistance instance to the given value in the given unit system

[in]  newValue  the initial value of the instance
[in]  newUnit  the unit system for the initial value

MDistance::MDistance ( const MDistance src  ) 

Copy constructor.

[in]  src  Existing MDistance object from which to initialize the new one.

MDistance::~MDistance (  ) 

The class destructor.

Member Function Documentation

MDistance & MDistance::operator= ( const MDistance src  ) 

The assignment operator.

[in]  src  Existing MDistance object from which to set the value of this one.
Reference to this MDistance instance.

MDistance::Unit MDistance::unit (  )  const

Return the units currently in effect for this instance.

An element of the MDistance::Unit enum

double MDistance::value (  )  const

Return the value of the current instance in the currently set units.

The current value of the instance

MStatus MDistance::setUnit ( MDistance::Unit  newUnit  ) 

Set the units used by this instance.

[in]  newUnit  an element of the MDistance::Unit enum
MS::kSuccess if a valid unit was provided, MS::kFailure otherwise

MStatus MDistance::setValue ( double  newValue  ) 

Set the value of this instance

[in]  newValue  the new value in the units currently in effect
Always returns MS::kSuccess

double MDistance::as ( MDistance::Unit  otherUnit,
MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL  
) const

Return the current value of this instance in the provided units.

[in]  otherUnit  an element of the MDistance::Unit enum specifying the desired units
[out]  ReturnStatus  return status
The current value in the given units
Status Codes:

double MDistance::asUnits ( MDistance::Unit  otherUnit,
MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL  
) const

Return the current value of this instance in the provided units.

[in]  otherUnit  an element of the MDistance::Unit enum specifying the desired units
[out]  ReturnStatus  return status
The current value in the given units
Status Codes:

double MDistance::asInches (  )  const

Return the current value of this instance in inches.

The current value in the inches

double MDistance::asFeet (  )  const

Return the current value of this instance in feet.

The current value in the feet

double MDistance::asYards (  )  const

Return the current value of this instance in yards.

The current value in the yards

double MDistance::asMiles (  )  const

Return the current value of this instance in miles.

The current value in the miles

double MDistance::asMillimeters (  )  const

Return the current value of this instance in millimeters.

The current value in the millimeters

double MDistance::asCentimeters (  )  const

Return the current value of this instance in centimeters.

The current value in the centimeters

double MDistance::asKilometers (  )  const

Return the current value of this instance in kilometers.

The current value in the kilometers

double MDistance::asMeters (  )  const

Return the current value of this instance in meters.

The current value in the meters

MDistance::Unit MDistance::uiUnit (  )  [static]

Returns the Working Units (or UI units) chosen in the settings of the prefs window.

An element of the MDistance::Unit enum

MStatus MDistance::setUIUnit ( MDistance::Unit  newUnit  )  [static]

Set the unit system to be used by the user in the UI.

[in]  newUnit  and element of the MDistance::Unit enum.
MS::kSuccess if a valid unit was provided, MS::kFailure otherwise

MDistance::Unit MDistance::internalUnit (  )  [static]

Returns the internal unit system.

The internal unit for distance

double MDistance::internalToUI ( double  internalValue  )  [static]

Converts a value from internal units to UI units.

[in]  internalValue  a value in internal units
The value in UI units

double MDistance::uiToInternal ( double  uiValue  )  [static]

Converts a value from UI units to internal units.

[in]  uiValue  a value in UI units
The value in internal units.

MStatus MDistance::setInternalUnit ( MDistance::Unit  internalUnit  )  [static]

This method is obsolete.

Changing the internal units is generally not a good idea and using the method may often produce unexpected results. It is recommended to just read the values and convert them to the units desired.

Set the internal unit system.

[in]  internalUnit  the internal unit to be used by distance
Status code
Status Codes:

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