Troubleshoot painting muscle weights
I can’t see my paint weight colors./The colors and weights don’t appear to update.

From the panel menus, select Show > Locators so you can see and get updates on painting weights.

I’ve already started skinning and I want to adjust and reposition my muscle or capsule.

Muscle lets you reset the base pose for a muscle or bone, even if it is already skinned. This means that even after you start skinning, you can reposition or edit the default position of that object so that the Sticky weights skinning is effectively reset. See Reset base pose for selected Muscle Objects.

I painted Sticky weights to a muscle but the points seem to fly off, or the deformation gets really slow.

Make sure that when you bound your muscle the Sticky Bind distance was set large enough to include the points you are weighting for, or Re-Bind sticky for the muscle. See Re-Bind Sticky for selected Muscle Objects. Also, in the Influence list of the Muscle Paint tool, make sure that the "HOLD" weights option is not enabled for any object that is also weighted to that point if you are trying to scale or smooth weights.

There is also a showWarnings option on the Muscle deformer that you can turn on to see which muscles may have points outside the range, so that you can re-bind sticky on those muscles. Points will no longer fly off, but the deformation may get slower as binding information is calculated ‘on the fly’ as needed. To fix this, see Auto-Fix invalid Sticky Bind points.

Why do I see a polyColorPerVertex node on my mesh?

The Paint Weights for polygon object uses Maya's polyColorPerVertex node to help display coloring, so you will see this node on any polygon object deformed with the Muscle deformer. In addition, any earlier values are overwritten. If you are using the polyColorPerVertex node for your own purposes, you need to finish painting and setting up deformation weights first, before you go and use the node for your own purposes.

When painting, if I go and move an object, I can't seem to get back to Paint mode.

If you change from painting to use the Move or Rotate tool (for example), you have effectively exited the Paint mode. To return to painting without having to close and reopen the Muscle Paint tool, reselect the object you are painting weights for, and in the Muscle Paint tool, click on the bones/muscle or weight in the list of items you are painting.

Can I delete the cMuscleDisplayShape node?

Yes, you can delete cMuscleDisplay shape nodes. Doing so can help you to apply a blendShape node to your mesh. The Muscle Paint tool re-creates this node when it is opened again. In Maya Muscle, these nodes are automatically deleted when the Muscle Paint tool is closed properly.