Reset base pose for selected Muscle Objects

Any capsule, bone, or muscle has a Base Pose reset or created. This allows you to adjust the location of a muscle or bone without having to entirely delete and recreate the skin deformer.

For example, after placing a joint/capsule and weighting some points to it, you might decide you need to move the capsule for better deformation. Rather than having to lose your weighting and disconnect, then recreate the Muscle deformer, you can reposition the joint and reset the Base Pose for it. This causes the Muscle deformer to look at the object as if it was originally bound at that pose.

If you edit the default shape of a NURBS muscle, you should also reset its base pose. If you are resetting a joint/capsule that you have moved, you also have to reset any child capsules or muscles attached to it that have been moved (meaning you need to reset the entire hierarchy of what changed and below).

To reset the Base Pose for a capsule, bone or muscle

  1. Select the capsule, bone or muscle object(s) you want to reset the base pose for.
  2. Select Muscle > Muscle Objects > Reset Base Pose for selected Muscle Objects.

    Your objects are reset for any and all Muscle deformers they are tied to. If the object you are resetting is a NURBS muscle, then the muscle automatically recalculates sticky bind distance with an automated value. When finished, your skin deformation appears as if the object was just bound with no change from these objects.