Create a Muscle Spline deformer

Part of the Muscle Spline deformer is a proprietary spline curve node. This node provides a Hermite-type spline with true tangent length control. The system can automatically create a spline and as many control points and controls as you need. In addition, the spline node has built in Jiggle for each control point. This tool can be used as a bonus rigging tool to place joints along a curve with Jiggle for things like hair or antennae.

To create a Muscle Spline

  1. Select Muscle > Bonus Rigging > Create Muscle Spline from the main menu bar.

    The Muscle Spline tool appears, letting you select options for creating your spline node.

  2. In the Muscle Spline tool, enter a unique name for the spline, and set other options as you require. See Muscle Spline tool for detailed descriptions of each option.
  3. Click Create Muscle Spline Rig.

    Shown below is an example with five spline cube controls, and seven driven joints on the spline curve.

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