
Inheritance diagram for KFbxCharacter:

Inheritance graph

List of all members.

Detailed Description

This class contains all methods to setup an exported character or query information on an imported character.

This class also contains some methods for manipulating theKFbxCharacterLink,KFbxControlSet

The most important part of aKFbxCharacteris theKFbxCharacterLink. There is oneKFbxCharacterLinkfor each characterized node. This class contains the associatedKFbxNodeto the node represented by this link and also the characterization offset of this node. For more information seeKFbxCharacterLinkclass documentation.

Definition at line415of filekfbxcharacter.h.

Public Types

enum EError
 Error identifiers.More...

Public Member Functions

void Reset()
 Reset to default values.
void SetInput(ECharacterInputTypepInputType,KFbxObject*pInputObject=NULL)
 Set input type and index.
ECharacterInputType GetInputType() const
 Get input type.
KFbxObjectGetInputObject() const
 Get input actor or character.
bool SetCharacterLink(ECharacterNodeId pCharacterNodeId, constKFbxCharacterLink&pCharacterLink, bool pUpdateObjectList=true)
 Associate a character link to a given character node ID.
bool GetCharacterLink(ECharacterNodeId pCharacterNodeId,KFbxCharacterLink*pCharacterLink=NULL) const
 Get a character link associated with a given character node ID.
KFbxControlSetGetControlSet() const
 Get control set associated with the character.

Static Public Member Functions

static int GetCharacterGroupCount(ECharacterGroupId pCharacterGroupId)
 Get number of elements in a given character group.
static ECharacterNodeId GetCharacterGroupElementByIndex(ECharacterGroupId pCharacterGroupId, int pIndex)
 Get character node ID of an element in a given character group.
static char * GetCharacterGroupNameByIndex(ECharacterGroupId pCharacterGroupId, int pIndex)
 Get character node name of an element in a given character group.
static int GetCharacterGroupVersionByIndex(ECharacterGroupId pCharacterGroupId, int pIndex)
 Get character node version of an element in a given character group.
static bool FindCharacterGroupIndexByName(char *pName, bool pForceGroupId, ECharacterGroupId&pCharacterGroupId, int&pIndex)
 Find the character group index associated with a given character node name.
static bool GetCharacterGroupIndexByElement(ECharacterNodeId pCharacterNodeId, ECharacterGroupId&pCharacterGroupId, int&pIndex)
 Get character node group and index of a given character node ID.
static bool GetCharacterGroupVersionByElement(ECharacterNodeId pCharacterNodeId, int&pVersion)
 Get character node version of a given character node ID.
static bool GetCharacterNodeNameFromNodeId(ECharacterNodeId pCharacterNodeId, char *&pName)
 Get character node name associated with a given character node ID.
static bool GetCharacterNodeIdFromNodeName(char *pName, ECharacterNodeId&pCharacterNodeId)
 Get the character node ID associated with a given character node name.

Member Enumeration Documentation


Error identifiers.

  • eERROR

Reimplemented fromKFbxConstraint.

Definition at line536of filekfbxcharacter.h.

Member Function Documentation

void Reset( ) 

Reset to default values.

  • Input type will be set to eCharacterInputStance.
  • Input object will be set to NULL.
  • Each Character link will be reset.
  • The control set will be reset.

void SetInput(ECharacterInputType pInputType,

Set input type and index.

pInputType Input type.
pInputObject Pointer to input character if input type equals eCharacterInputCharacter, otherwiseNULL.

ECharacterInputTypeGetInputType( ) const

Get input type.

KFbxObject* GetInputObject( ) const

Get input actor or character.

Pointer orNull, depending on the input type.
  • If the input type is set to eCharacterInputCharacter. The returned pointer can be casted to a pointer of typeKFbxCharacter.
  • Nullpointer if the input object has not been set, or if the input type is not set to eCharacterInputCharacter.

bool SetCharacterLink(ECharacterNodeId pCharacterNodeId,
bool pUpdateObjectList=true 

Associate a character link to a given character node ID.

If a character link already exists for this character node ID, the character link will be removed.

pCharacterNodeId Character node ID.
pCharacterLink Character link.
pUpdateObjectList Set totrueto update the object list (default value).
trueif successful,falseotherwise.

bool GetCharacterLink(ECharacterNodeId pCharacterNodeId,

Get a character link associated with a given character node ID.

pCharacterNodeId ID of character node requested.
pCharacterLink Optional pointer to receive the character link if function succeeds.
trueif successful,falseotherwise.

KFbxControlSet&GetControlSet( ) const

Get control set associated with the character.

Return the control set associated with the character.

static int GetCharacterGroupCount(ECharacterGroupId pCharacterGroupId ) [static]

Get number of elements in a given character group.

pCharacterGroupId Character group ID.
The number of elements in the pCharacterGroupId character group.

static ECharacterNodeId GetCharacterGroupElementByIndex(ECharacterGroupId pCharacterGroupId,
int pIndex 

Get character node ID of an element in a given character group.

pCharacterGroupId Character group ID.
pIndex Character index ID.
Character node ID.

static char* GetCharacterGroupNameByIndex(ECharacterGroupId pCharacterGroupId,
int pIndex 

Get character node name of an element in a given character group.

pCharacterGroupId Character group ID.
pIndex Character index ID.
Character node name.

static int GetCharacterGroupVersionByIndex(ECharacterGroupId pCharacterGroupId,
int pIndex 

Get character node version of an element in a given character group.

pCharacterGroupId Character group ID.
pIndex Character index ID.
Character node version.

static bool FindCharacterGroupIndexByName(char * pName,
bool pForceGroupId,
ECharacterGroupId& pCharacterGroupId,
int& pIndex 

Find the character group index associated with a given character node name.

pName Character node name.
pForceGroupId Set totrueto force the character group ID.
pCharacterGroupId Receives character group ID.
pIndex Receives character index ID.
trueif successful, otherwisefalse.

static bool GetCharacterGroupIndexByElement(ECharacterNodeId pCharacterNodeId,
ECharacterGroupId& pCharacterGroupId,
int& pIndex 

Get character node group and index of a given character node ID.

pCharacterNodeId Character node ID.
pCharacterGroupId if the Character node ID is found, the method returns the group ID through this parameter
pIndex if the Character node ID is found, the method returns the index through this parameter
Only works for a character node ID that is part of a group.
trueif successful,falseotherwise.

static bool GetCharacterGroupVersionByElement(ECharacterNodeId pCharacterNodeId,
int& pVersion 

Get character node version of a given character node ID.

pCharacterNodeId Character node ID to get version.
pVersion if the node ID is found, the method returns the version through this parameter
Only works for a character node ID is part of a group.
trueif successful,falseotherwise.

static bool GetCharacterNodeNameFromNodeId(ECharacterNodeId pCharacterNodeId,
char *& pName 

Get character node name associated with a given character node ID.

pCharacterNodeId Character node ID to get name.
pName if the node ID is found, the method returns the node name through this parameter Since the Pointer points to internal data, it is not necessary to allocate a string buffer before calling this function.
trueif a name exists for the given node ID.

static bool GetCharacterNodeIdFromNodeName(char * pName,
ECharacterNodeId& pCharacterNodeId 

Get the character node ID associated with a given character node name.

pName Character node name to get node ID.
pCharacterNodeId if the node name is found, this method returns the node ID through this parameter
trueif a node ID exists for the given node name.