KFbxSkin Class Reference

#include <kfbxskin.h>
Inheritance diagram for KFbxSkin:
Inheritance graph

List of all members.

Detailed Description

FBX SDK skin class.

Definition at line 64 of file kfbxskin.h.

Public Member Functions

void  SetDeformAccuracy (double pDeformAccuracy)
  Set deformation accuracy.
double  GetDeformAccuracy () const
  Get deformation accuracy.
bool  SetNode (KFbxNode *pNode)
  Set the node affected by this skin deformer.
KFbxNode GetNode ()
  Get the node affected by this skin deformer.
bool  SetGeometry (KFbxGeometry *pGeometry)
  Set the geometry affected by this skin deformer.
KFbxGeometry GetGeometry ()
  Get the geometry affected by this skin deformer.
bool  AddCluster (KFbxCluster *pCluster)
  Add a cluster.
KFbxCluster RemoveCluster (KFbxCluster *pCluster)
  Remove cluster at given index.
int  GetClusterCount () const
  Get the number of clusters.
KFbxCluster GetCluster (int pIndex)
  Get cluster at given index.
KFbxCluster const *  GetCluster (int pIndex) const
  Get cluster at given index.
EDeformerType  GetDeformerType () const
  Get the type of the deformer.

Member Function Documentation

void SetDeformAccuracy ( double  pDeformAccuracy  ) 

Set deformation accuracy.

pDeformAccuracy  value for deformation accuracy.

double GetDeformAccuracy (  )  const

Get deformation accuracy.

deformation accuracy value.

bool SetNode ( KFbxNode pNode  ) 

Set the node affected by this skin deformer.

pNode  Pointer to the node object to set.
true on success, false otherwise.

KFbxNode* GetNode (  ) 

Get the node affected by this skin deformer.

a pointer to the node if set or NULL.

bool SetGeometry ( KFbxGeometry pGeometry  ) 

Set the geometry affected by this skin deformer.

pGeometry  Pointer to the geometry object to set.
true on success, false otherwise.

KFbxGeometry* GetGeometry (  ) 

Get the geometry affected by this skin deformer.

a pointer to the geometry if set or NULL.

bool AddCluster ( KFbxCluster pCluster  ) 

Add a cluster.

pCluster  Pointer to the cluster object to add.
true on success, false otherwise.

KFbxCluster* RemoveCluster ( KFbxCluster pCluster  ) 

Remove cluster at given index.

pCluster  Pointer to the cluster to remove from this skin deformer.
Pointer to cluster or NULL if pCluster is not owned by this skin deformer.

int GetClusterCount (  )  const

Get the number of clusters.

Number of clusters that have been added to this object.

KFbxCluster* GetCluster ( int  pIndex  ) 

Get cluster at given index.

pIndex  Index of cluster.
Pointer to cluster or NULL if index is out of range.

KFbxCluster const* GetCluster ( int  pIndex  )  const

Get cluster at given index.

pIndex  Index of cluster.
Pointer to cluster or NULL if index is out of range.

EDeformerType GetDeformerType (  )  const [inline, virtual]

Get the type of the deformer.

Deformer type identifier.

Reimplemented from KFbxDeformer.

Definition at line 133 of file kfbxskin.h.

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