KFbxNurbsCurve Class Reference

#include <kfbxnurbscurve.h>
Inheritance diagram for KFbxNurbsCurve:
Inheritance graph

List of all members.

Detailed Description

A Non-Uniform Rational B-Spline (Nurbs) curve is a type of parametric geometry.

A Nurbs curve is defined by the degree, form, knot vector and control points.

Let M be the degree of the curve. Let N be the number of control points of the curve.

The form of the curve can be open, closed or periodic. A curve with end points that do not meet is defined as an open curve. The number of knots in an open curve is defined as N+(M+1).

A closed curve simply has its last control point equal to its first control point. Note that this does not imply tangent continuity at the end point. The curve may have a kink at this point. In FBX the last control point is not specified by the user in the InitControlPoints() method. For example, if there are to be 10 control points in total, and the curve is to be closed, than only 9 control points need to be passed into the InitControlPoints() method. The last control point is implied to be equal to the first control point. Thus N represents the number of unique CVs.

A periodic curve has its last M control points equal to its first M control points. A periodic curve is tangent continuous at the ends. Similar to a closed curve, when creating a periodic curve, only the unique control points need to be set. For example a periodic curve of degree 3 with 10 control points requires only 7 CVs to be specified in the InitControlPoints() method. The last 3 CVs, which are the same as the first 3, are not included.

The calculation of the number of knots in closed and periodic curves is more complex. Since we have excluded one CV in N in a closed curve, the number of knots is N+(M+1)+1. Similarly, we excluded M CVs in periodic curves so the number of knots is N+(M+1)+M.

Note that FBX stores one extra knot at the beginning and and end of the knot vector, compared to some other graphics applications such as Maya. The two knots are not used in calculation, but they are included so that no data is lost when converting from file formats that do store the extra knots.

Definition at line 86 of file kfbxnurbscurve.h.

Public Types

enum   EDimension
  The dimension of the CVs
  • e2D The CVs are two dimensional points
  • e3D The CVs are three dimensional points.
enum   EType
  The form of the curve
  • eOPEN
enum   EError
  Error identifiers. More...

Public Member Functions

GetAttributeType () const
  Return the type of node attribute.
void  InitControlPoints (int pCount, EType pVType)
  Allocate memory space for the array of control points as well as the knot vector.
double *  GetKnotVector () const
  Get knot vector.
int  GetKnotCount () const
  Get the number of elements in the knot vector.
int  GetOrder () const
  Get nurb curve order.
void  SetDimension (EDimension pDimension)
  Sets the dimension of the CVs For 3D curves: control point = ( x, y, z, w ), where w is the weight For 2D curves: control point = ( x, y, 0, w ), where the z component is unused, and w is the weight.
EDimension  GetDimension () const
  Gets the dimension of the control points.
bool  IsRational ()
  Determines if the curve is rational or not.
int  GetSpanCount ()
  Calculates the number of spans in the curve using the following: Where S = Number of spans N = Number of CVs M = Order of the curve.
EType  GetType () const
  Get nurb type.
bool  IsPolyline () const
  Checks if the curve is a poly line.
bool  IsBezier ()
  Bezier curves are a special case of nurbs curve.
virtual KFbxObject Clone (KFbxObject *pContainer, KFbxObject::ECloneType pCloneType=eDEEP_CLONE) const
  Creates a clone of this object.

Protected Member Functions

KFbxNurbsCurve operator= (KFbxNurbsCurve const &pNurb)
  Assignment operator.

Member Enumeration Documentation

enum EDimension

The dimension of the CVs

  • e2D The CVs are two dimensional points
  • e3D The CVs are three dimensional points.

Definition at line 97 of file kfbxnurbscurve.h.

enum EType

The form of the curve

  • eOPEN

Definition at line 109 of file kfbxnurbscurve.h.

enum EError

Error identifiers.


Reimplemented from KFbxGeometry.

Definition at line 215 of file kfbxnurbscurve.h.

Member Function Documentation

virtual KFbxNodeAttribute::EAttributeType GetAttributeType (  )  const [virtual]

Return the type of node attribute.

This class is pure virtual.

Reimplemented from KFbxGeometry.

void InitControlPoints ( int  pCount,
EType  pVType  

Allocate memory space for the array of control points as well as the knot vector.

pCount  Number of control points.
pVType  Nurb type in V direction.
This function should always be called after KFbxNurb::SetOrder().

double* GetKnotVector (  )  const [inline]

Get knot vector.

Pointer to the array of knots.

Definition at line 128 of file kfbxnurbscurve.h.

int GetKnotCount (  )  const

Get the number of elements in the knot vector.

The number of knots. See KFbxNurbsCurve description for more details.

int GetOrder (  )  const [inline]

Get nurb curve order.

Order value.

Definition at line 142 of file kfbxnurbscurve.h.

void SetDimension ( EDimension  pDimension  )  [inline]

Sets the dimension of the CVs For 3D curves: control point = ( x, y, z, w ), where w is the weight For 2D curves: control point = ( x, y, 0, w ), where the z component is unused, and w is the weight.

pDimension  - the dimension of the control points. (3d or 2d)

Definition at line 149 of file kfbxnurbscurve.h.

EDimension GetDimension (  )  const [inline]

Gets the dimension of the control points.

The dimension of the curve

Definition at line 154 of file kfbxnurbscurve.h.

bool IsRational (  ) 

Determines if the curve is rational or not.

True if the curve is rational, false otherwise

int GetSpanCount (  ) 

Calculates the number of spans in the curve using the following: Where S = Number of spans N = Number of CVs M = Order of the curve.

S = N - M + 1;

In this calculation N includes the duplicate CVs for closed and periodic curves.

The number of spans if the curve has been initialized, -1 otherwise.

EType GetType (  )  const [inline]

Get nurb type.

Nurb curve type identifier.

Definition at line 180 of file kfbxnurbscurve.h.

bool IsPolyline (  )  const [inline]

Checks if the curve is a poly line.

(A poly line is a linear nurbs curve )

true if curve is a poly line, false otherwise.

Definition at line 187 of file kfbxnurbscurve.h.

bool IsBezier (  ) 

Bezier curves are a special case of nurbs curve.

This function determines if this nurbs curve is a Bezier curve.

true if curve is a Bezier curve, false otherwise.

virtual KFbxObject* Clone ( KFbxObject pContainer,
KFbxObject::ECloneType  pCloneType = eDEEP_CLONE  
) const [virtual]

Creates a clone of this object.

pContainer  The object, typically a document or a scene, that contains the new clone(can be NULL).
pCloneType  The type of clone to be created.
The new clone, or NULL (if the specified clone type is not supported).

Reimplemented from KFbxGeometry.

KFbxNurbsCurve& operator= ( KFbxNurbsCurve const &  pNurb  )  [protected]

Assignment operator.

pNurb  KFbxNurbsCurve object assigned to this one.
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