KFbxImplementation Class Reference

#include <kfbximplementation.h>
Inheritance diagram for KFbxImplementation:
Inheritance graph

List of all members.

Detailed Description

This object represents the shading node implementation.

It defines basic information about the shader and the binding table in shader.

Definition at line 59 of file kfbximplementation.h.

Static values

static const char *  sLanguage
static const char *  sLanguageVersion
static const char *  sRenderAPI
static const char *  sRenderAPIVersion
static const char *  sRootBindingName
static const char *  sConstants
static const char *  sDefaultType
static const char *  sDefaultLanguage
static const char *  sDefaultLanguageVersion
static const char *  sDefaultRenderAPI
static const char *  sDefaultRenderAPIVersion
static const char *  sDefaultRootBindingName

Shader description

KFbxTypedProperty< fbxString Language
  Shader Language.
KFbxTypedProperty< fbxString LanguageVersion
  Shader Language version.
KFbxTypedProperty< fbxString RenderAPI
  Render API.
KFbxTypedProperty< fbxString RenderAPIVersion
  Render API version.

Binding description

KFbxTypedProperty< fbxString RootBindingName
KFbxProperty  GetConstants () const
KFbxBindingTable AddNewTable (char const *pTargetName, char const *pTargetType)
  Add a new binding table to the table list.
KFbxBindingTable const *  GetRootTable () const
  Retrieves a handle on the root binding table.
KFbxBindingTable GetRootTable ()
int  GetTableCount () const
  Gets the number of binding tables.
KFbxBindingTable const *  GetTable (int pIndex) const
  Retrieves a handle on the (pIndex)th binding table.
KFbxBindingTable GetTable (int pIndex)
  Retrieves a handle on the (pIndex)th binding table.
KFbxBindingTable const *  GetTableByTargetName (char const *pName) const
  Returns the binding table that has the given name.
KFbxBindingTable GetTableByTargetName (char const *pName)
  Returns the binding table that has the given name.
KFbxBindingTable const *  GetTableByTargetType (char const *pTargetName) const
  Returns the binding table for a given target.
KFbxBindingTable GetTableByTargetType (char const *pTargetName)
  Returns the binding table for a given target.
KFbxBindingOperator AddNewBindingOperator (char const *pTargetName, char const *pFunctionName)
  Add a new binding table to the table list.
int  GetBindingOperatorCount () const
  Gets the number of binding table operators.
KFbxBindingOperator const *  GetOperatorByTargetName (char const *pTargetName) const
  Returns the binding table that has the given name.

Member Function Documentation

KFbxProperty GetConstants (  )  const


KFbxBindingTable* AddNewTable ( char const *  pTargetName,
char const *  pTargetType  

Add a new binding table to the table list.

pTargetName  The target name for the binding table
pTargetType  The target type for the binding table
the new binding table

KFbxBindingTable const* GetRootTable (  )  const

Retrieves a handle on the root binding table.

A const pointer to the root table or NULL if it does not exist.

KFbxBindingTable* GetRootTable (  ) 


int GetTableCount (  )  const

Gets the number of binding tables.

the number of binding tables

KFbxBindingTable const* GetTable ( int  pIndex  )  const

Retrieves a handle on the (pIndex)th binding table.

pIndex  The index of the table to retrieve. Valid values are [ 0, GetTableCount() )
A const pointer to the pIndex-th table or NULL if pIndex is out of range

KFbxBindingTable* GetTable ( int  pIndex  ) 

Retrieves a handle on the (pIndex)th binding table.

pIndex  The index of the table to retrieve. Valid values are [ 0, GetTableCount() )
A const pointer to the pIndex-th table or NULL if pIndex is out of range

KFbxBindingTable const* GetTableByTargetName ( char const *  pName  )  const

Returns the binding table that has the given name.

pName  The name of the table to look for
A const pointer to the binding table with the given name, or NULL if there is no such binding table

KFbxBindingTable* GetTableByTargetName ( char const *  pName  ) 

Returns the binding table that has the given name.

pName  The name of the table to look for
A const pointer to the binding table with the given name, or NULL if there is no such binding table

KFbxBindingTable const* GetTableByTargetType ( char const *  pTargetName  )  const

Returns the binding table for a given target.

pTargetName  The name of the target to look for
A const pointer to the binding table with the given target, or SIZE_MAX if there is no such binding table

KFbxBindingTable* GetTableByTargetType ( char const *  pTargetName  ) 

Returns the binding table for a given target.

pTargetName  The name of the target to look for
A const pointer to the binding table with the given target, or SIZE_MAX if there is no such binding table

KFbxBindingOperator* AddNewBindingOperator ( char const *  pTargetName,
char const *  pFunctionName  

Add a new binding table to the table list.

pTargetName  The target name for the binding table
pFunctionName  The target type for the binding table
the new operator

int GetBindingOperatorCount (  )  const

Gets the number of binding table operators.

the number of binding table operators.

KFbxBindingOperator const* GetOperatorByTargetName ( char const *  pTargetName  )  const

Returns the binding table that has the given name.

pTargetName  The name of the table to look for
A const pointer to the binding table with the given name, or NULL if there is no such binding table

Member Data Documentation

Shader Language.

Definition at line 82 of file kfbximplementation.h.

Shader Language version.

Definition at line 85 of file kfbximplementation.h.

Render API.

Definition at line 88 of file kfbximplementation.h.

Render API version.

Definition at line 91 of file kfbximplementation.h.


Definition at line 101 of file kfbximplementation.h.

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KFbxImplementation KFbxImplementation KFbxImplementation KFbxImplementation KFbxImplementation KFbxImplementation KFbxImplementation KFbxImplementation KFbxImplementation KFbxImplementation