KFbxTypedProperty Class Template Reference

#include <kfbxproperty.h>
Inheritance diagram for KFbxTypedProperty:
Inheritance graph

List of all members.

Detailed Description

template<class T>
class KFbxTypedProperty< T >

This template class is used to contain user properties of specific data types.

Definition at line 1281 of file kfbxproperty.h.

Constructor and Destructor.

  KFbxTypedProperty ()
  KFbxTypedProperty (KFbxProperty const &pProperty)
  Copy constructor.
  ~KFbxTypedProperty ()

Static initialization.

KFbxProperty const &  StaticInit (KFbxObject *pObject, char const *pName, eFbxPropertyFlags pFlags=eNO_FLAG)
  Creates a property and initializes it using a specific flag.
KFbxProperty const &  StaticInit (KFbxObject *pObject, char const *pName, T const &pValue, bool pForceSet=true, eFbxPropertyFlags pFlags=eNO_FLAG)
  Creates a property and initializes it using a specific value and flag.
KFbxProperty const &  StaticInit (KFbxObject *pObject, char const *pName, KFbxDataType const &pDataType, eFbxPropertyFlags pFlags=eNO_FLAG)
  Creates a property and initializes it using a specific flag.
KFbxProperty const &  StaticInit (KFbxObject *pObject, char const *pName, KFbxDataType const &pDataType, T const &pValue, bool pForceSet=true, eFbxPropertyFlags pFlags=eNO_FLAG)
  Creates a property and initializes it using a specific value and flag.
KFbxProperty const &  StaticInit (KFbxProperty pCompound, char const *pName, KFbxDataType const &pDataType, T const &pValue, bool pForceSet=true, eFbxPropertyFlags pFlags=eNO_FLAG)
  Creates a property and initializes it using a specific value and flag.

Public Member Functions

KFbxTypedProperty operator= (T const &pValue)
  Assignment operator.
bool  Set (T const &pValue, bool pCheckValueEquality)
  Sets the value of this property.
bool  Set (T const &pValue)
  Sets the value of this property.
Get () const
  Returns the value of this property.
Get (KFbxEvaluationInfo const *pInfo)
  Evaluates the KFCurve value of the property at the specific time, then returns the value of the property.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

KFbxTypedProperty (  )  [inline]


Definition at line 1289 of file kfbxproperty.h.

KFbxTypedProperty ( KFbxProperty const &  pProperty  )  [inline]

Copy constructor.

pProperty  The property copied to this one.

Definition at line 1294 of file kfbxproperty.h.

~KFbxTypedProperty (  )  [inline]


Definition at line 1297 of file kfbxproperty.h.

Member Function Documentation

KFbxProperty const& StaticInit ( KFbxObject pObject,
char const *  pName,
eFbxPropertyFlags  pFlags = eNO_FLAG  
) [inline]

Creates a property and initializes it using a specific flag.

pObject  The object that contains this property.
pName  The name of the property.
pFlags  The property flag.

Definition at line 1311 of file kfbxproperty.h.

KFbxProperty const& StaticInit ( KFbxObject pObject,
char const *  pName,
T const &  pValue,
bool  pForceSet = true,
eFbxPropertyFlags  pFlags = eNO_FLAG  
) [inline]

Creates a property and initializes it using a specific value and flag.

pObject  The object that contains this property.
pName  The name of the property.
pValue  The value of the property.
pForceSet  If true, the value is forcibly set, if false the value is not set when it equals the default value.
pFlags  The property flag.

Definition at line 1325 of file kfbxproperty.h.

KFbxProperty const& StaticInit ( KFbxObject pObject,
char const *  pName,
KFbxDataType const &  pDataType,
eFbxPropertyFlags  pFlags = eNO_FLAG  
) [inline]

Creates a property and initializes it using a specific flag.

pObject  The object that contains this property.
pName  The name of the property.
pDataType  The property data type.
pFlags  The property flag.

Definition at line 1345 of file kfbxproperty.h.

KFbxProperty const& StaticInit ( KFbxObject pObject,
char const *  pName,
KFbxDataType const &  pDataType,
T const &  pValue,
bool  pForceSet = true,
eFbxPropertyFlags  pFlags = eNO_FLAG  
) [inline]

Creates a property and initializes it using a specific value and flag.

pObject  The object that contains this property.
pName  The name of the property.
pDataType  The property data type.
pValue  The property value.
pForceSet  If true, the value is forcibly set, if false the value is not set when it equals the default value.
pFlags  The property flag.

Definition at line 1360 of file kfbxproperty.h.

KFbxProperty const& StaticInit ( KFbxProperty  pCompound,
char const *  pName,
KFbxDataType const &  pDataType,
T const &  pValue,
bool  pForceSet = true,
eFbxPropertyFlags  pFlags = eNO_FLAG  
) [inline]

Creates a property and initializes it using a specific value and flag.

pCompound  The parent property of this property.
pName  The name of the property.
pDataType  The property data type.
pValue  The property value.
pForceSet  If true, the value is forcibly set, if false the value is not set when it equals to the default value.
pFlags  The property flag.

Definition at line 1383 of file kfbxproperty.h.

KFbxTypedProperty& operator= ( T const &  pValue  )  [inline]

Assignment operator.

pValue  The value assigned to this property.
This property.

Definition at line 1405 of file kfbxproperty.h.

bool Set ( T const &  pValue,
bool  pCheckValueEquality  
) [inline]

Sets the value of this property.

pValue  The new value
pCheckValueEquality  If true, the value is not set if it equals the default value.
True if the value is set successfully, false otherwise.

Definition at line 1412 of file kfbxproperty.h.

Referenced by KFbxTypedProperty< fbxReference * >::Set(), KFbxTypedProperty< fbxReference * >::StaticInit(), and KFbxTypedProperty< KFbxMarker::ELook >::StaticInit().

bool Set ( T const &  pValue  )  [inline]

Sets the value of this property.

pValue  The new value
True if the value is set successfully, false otherwise.

Reimplemented from KFbxProperty.

Definition at line 1418 of file kfbxproperty.h.

T Get (  )  const [inline]

Returns the value of this property.

The value of the property.

Definition at line 1423 of file kfbxproperty.h.

T Get ( KFbxEvaluationInfo const *  pInfo  )  [inline]

Evaluates the KFCurve value of the property at the specific time, then returns the value of the property.

pInfo  Contains the time of evaluation.
The value of the property after evaluation.
When evaluated, the property value is set as the KFCurve value.

Reimplemented from KFbxProperty.

Definition at line 1430 of file kfbxproperty.h.