KFbxCameraSwitcher Class Reference

#include <kfbxcameraswitcher.h>
Inheritance diagram for KFbxCameraSwitcher:
Inheritance graph

List of all members.

Detailed Description

This node attribute contains methods for accessing the properties of a camera switcher.

Definition at line 57 of file kfbxcameraswitcher.h.


KFbxPropertyInteger1  CameraIndex
  This property handles the index of camera.

Default Animation Values

These functions provides direct access to default animation values specific to a camera switcher.

The default animation values are found in the default take node of the associated node. These functions only work if the camera switcher has been associated with a node.

Camera indices start at 1. Out of range indices are clamped between 1 and the number of cameras in the scene. The index of a camera refers to its order of appearance when searching the node tree depth first.

int  GetDefaultCameraIndex ()
  Get default camera index.
void  SetDefaultCameraIndex (int pIndex)
  Set default camera index.

Public Member Functions

virtual EAttributeType  GetAttributeType () const
  Return the type of node attribute which is EAttributeType::eCAMERA_SWITCHER.

Member Function Documentation

virtual EAttributeType GetAttributeType (  )  const [virtual]

Return the type of node attribute which is EAttributeType::eCAMERA_SWITCHER.

Reimplemented from KFbxNodeAttribute.

int GetDefaultCameraIndex (  ) 

Get default camera index.

Camera index. The return value is an integer between 1 and the number of cameras in the scene, or 0 if there are no default camera set in the camera switcher.

void SetDefaultCameraIndex ( int  pIndex  ) 

Set default camera index.

pIndex  Id of the camera to set as default. This parameter has an integer scale from 1 to the number of cameras in the scene. Its default value is 1 if there is at least one camera in the camera switcher, 0 if there are none. No validation checks are made.

Member Data Documentation

This property handles the index of camera.

Default value is 1.

Definition at line 70 of file kfbxcameraswitcher.h.

KFbxCameraSwitcher KFbxCameraSwitcher KFbxCameraSwitcher KFbxCameraSwitcher KFbxCameraSwitcher KFbxCameraSwitcher KFbxCameraSwitcher KFbxCameraSwitcher KFbxCameraSwitcher KFbxCameraSwitcher
KFbxCameraSwitcher KFbxCameraSwitcher KFbxCameraSwitcher KFbxCameraSwitcher KFbxCameraSwitcher KFbxCameraSwitcher KFbxCameraSwitcher KFbxCameraSwitcher KFbxCameraSwitcher KFbxCameraSwitcher