The setparam scripts set the specified argument for export where [arg] is a recognized export parameter and [value] is an appropriate value for the supported parameter. For example, to prevent the export of cameras:
FBXExporterSetParam “Cameras” false
FBXExporterSetParam returns “OK” if successful or ”unsupplied” if it is sent an unrecognized parameter.
FBXExporterSetParam returns “unsupplied” if the wrong number of arguments are passed.
FBXExporterSetParam recognizes the following parameter and values:
Name | Value |
Animation | True or false. See Animation for an explanation of this setting. |
ASCII | True or false. See Type for an explanation of this setting. |
AxisConversionMethod | “None”, “Animation”, or “Fbx_Root”. See Axis conversion for an explanation of this setting. |
BakeAnimation | True or false. See Bake animations for an explanation of this setting. |
BakeFrameStart | Integer value. See Bake animations for an explanation of this setting. |
BakeFrameEnd | Integer value. See Bake animations for an explanation of this setting. |
BakeFrameStep | Integer value. See Bake animations for an explanation of this setting. |
Cameras | True or false. See Cameras for an explanation of this setting. |
ColladaTriangulate | True or false. See Triangulatefor an explanation of this setting. |
ColladaSingleMatrix | True or false. See Single matrixfor an explanation of this setting. |
ColladaFrameRate | Float (in frames). See Triangulate for an explanation of this setting. |
Convert2Tiff | True or false. See Convert images to portable format (TIFF). for an explanation of this setting. |
ConvertUnit | “mm” or “cm” or “dm” or “m” or “km” or “in” or “ft” or “yd”. See Scene units converted to: for an explanation of this setting. |
EmbedTextures | True or false. See Embed media for an explanation of this setting. |
FileVersion | “FBX201000” or "FBX200900" or "FBX200611" or "FBX200608" or "FBX200602_MB75" or "FBX200508_MB70" or "FBX60_MB60". See FBX version for an explanation of this setting. |
FilterKeyReducer | True or false. See Constant key reducer for an explanation of this setting. |
GeomAsBone | True or false. See Convert Geometry used as Bones for an explanation of this setting. |
GenerateLog | True or False. See Generate log data for an explanation of this setting. |
Lights | True or false. See Lights for an explanation of this setting. |
LoadExportPresetFile | “x” where x is the location of the preset file. See Export presetsfor an explanation of this setting. |
NormalsPerPoly | True or false. See Split per-vertex Normals for an explanation of this setting. |
PointCache | True or false. See Point cache file(s) for an explanation of this setting. |
Re-evaluateNormals | True or false. See Re-evaluate Normals or an explanation of this setting. |
Resampling | Float. See Unroll rotations for an explanation of this setting. |
ResetExport | Restores factory defaults. |
ScaleFactor | Float. See Scale Factor for an explanation of this setting. |
SelectionSet | Name of the selection set to use. See Point cache file(s) for an explanation of this setting. |
Shape | True or false. See “Morphs” in Deformations for an explanation of this setting. |
Skin | True or false. See “Skin” in Deformations for an explanation of this setting. |
ShowWarnings | True or false. See Show/Hide Warning Managerfor an explanation of this setting. |
TangentSpaceExport | True or false. See Tangents and Binormals for an explanation of this setting. |
UpAxis | “Y” or “Z”. See Axis conversion for an explanation of this setting. |
UseSceneName | True or false. See Use scene name for an explanation of this setting. |
For example, to query the export camera’s state:
FBXExporterGetParam “Cameras”
A specific MAXscript exists for performing the export of only selected objects (“Export Selected”). Use the following
exportFile "<path>" #noPrompt selectedOnly:true
Where <path> is the location to where you want to export your object(s).