Point Clouds > Project Curve

Creates a curve by projecting an existing curve onto a point cloud.

Point Cloud Project Curve Options

Project Curve Onto

Front – Project the curve onto the front of the point cloud (that is, the first part of the cloud it “hits” along the projection direction).

Front and Back – Project the curve onto both the front and back of the cloud.

Initial Projection

Same Number Spans – The projected curve has the same number of spans as the original curve.

To Tolerance – The projected curve fits the point cloud within the tolerance you set.

Point Location Method

Approximate – Quicker but less accurate projection. Use this option with cross-sectioned data, or when you do not require high precision.

Surface Intersection – Slower but more accurate projection.

Maximum Iterations

The maximum number of iterations to try when fitting within a tolerance. More iterations is slower but may give a better fit.

You usually do not need to change this option.

Create History

Save the construction history of the projected curve for later editing. If you turn Create History on, you can modify the curve that was used to create the projected curve, and the projected curve updates.

See Also