Point Clouds > Surfaces > Gridded

Takes four boundary curves and fits a surface to the points of a cloud between them.

Point Cloud Gridded Surfaces Options

Spans Between U/V Isoparms

The number of spans (the distance between two edit points) between each of the original boundary or isoparametric curves used to create the surface.

Set the values for the U and the V directions. You can adjust these values when using the tool.

Continuity to Adjacent Surface(s)

The type of influence neighboring surfaces have on the new surfaces. This option only works when you use isoparametric curves or edges of another surface as construction curves for the new surface.

project boundary to cloud – This option creates a better fit to the point cloud, but may cause the edges of the new surface to pull away from neighboring surfaces. Do not use this option if you have already projected the curves onto the point cloud.

hold position – This option keeps the edges of the new surface on the boundary curves, and so keeps positional continuity with neighboring surfaces.

hold position and tangent – This option keeps the edges of the new surface on the boundary curves, and also tries to maintain tangency with neighboring surfaces.

Fit Surface To

Choose the type of data you are fitting the surface to.

For cross-sectioned data, enter the spacing between cross-section slices in the Spacing Between Cross sections field. This allows the Gridded tool to calculate a much better fit.

See Also