Edit a label or measurement object

How to move, edit, or relabel an existing label or measurement.

Edit a locator

  1. Choose Windows > Information > Information Window to open the information window.

    The information window allows you to change many useful settings of whatever objects are picked.

  2. Choose Locators > Move Locator .
  3. Click the annotation you want to edit.
  4. Do any of the following:

    For linear and angular locators

    • Drag the locator to move it (if this is possible).
    • Drag a label to move it.
    • Use the options in the Information Window to edit the object.

    For radial locators

    • Drag the arrow head to move the measurement along the curve.
    • Drag the text or leader line to change the length of the leader.
    • Hold and click off the measurement with the middle mouse button to toggle a different display.
    • Use the options in the Information Window to edit the object.

    For comb plots

    • Drag the to change the quill scale, or drag the to change the quill density.

Tips and notes

See Also