Shape Properties

When you draw using the Vector Paint tool, you are creating shapes on the canvas. All shapes share basic properties, such as:

Other shared properties control how the shape is drawn on the canvas, and are described in the following sections. These properties can be edited and animated over time. Unless otherwise noted, all shape properties are animatable.

In Vector Paint, shapes are of two types: Bézier or line strip.

Line strip shapes are also called freehand shapes. These shapes are created using the freehand tool (if Auto Make Bézier is off). Line strips can have large numbers of individual points with better performance than a Bézier curve with the same number of points. The drawback is that individual points in line strips cannot be edited. To edit them, make a Bézier curve out of the line strip.

Shapes in Vector Paint have a duration: they appear at their Mark In frame, and are removed at their Mark Out frame.